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ike8228 last won the day on September 5

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  1. Ooof not sure about that one. Opinions are opinions. But this is camp. Unless he made some major changes, he could barely crack the lineup last two season, minus injuries, on a bad team. A captain can not sit in the press box 4 out of 5 games.
  2. I grew up playing D and still do in some beer leagues, and this is 100% accurate. BUT, this is 100% something they should have learned in PeeWees, not the NHL. This is not Gordon Bombay teaching Ducks to fly, back to basics, soft hands, etc…make them fast, make them mean and get on with it.
  3. Don’t worry about a trade. Beeker will take all season to negotiate a deal with another team.
  4. He went through the same thing? When; 87 years ago? Like someone else said in another thread. Old school is old school.
  5. Cronin going ‘Talk Fasta’ ‘Negotiate Hawda’ ’Sign Qwika’ ’I gots a headache thinkan bout all dis’ ’Wicked for wicked sakes’
  6. What does this have to do with Zegras?
  7. What happened? I’m not tracking. He took pictures of everyone?
  8. Perry says hello. The issues you mentioned is why a lot of people advocate him moving to the wing. Things that aren’t as much of an issue for a winger. A center is a different stories. If he wants to be a center, he needs to play like a center. Just because I want to be a ninja, doesn’t mean I’m a ninja.
  9. Last season I had the Ballys app on my phone, then screen mirrored to my tv. I am not sure which or all tvs have the ability though. You have to download the app on your tv and phone. Downside is you can’t do stuff on your phone and watch at the same time. No games, text Facebook etc. it will mirror whatever is on your phone. It was $20 a month for one channel too. Only need one to watch the ducks, but there are other packages to get kings and angles etc. Xbox also has the app. You can stream from the device with the proper input on. PS does not support Ballys app. Maybe some TV brands support the Ballys app directing too, but not Samsung. That’s what I have. That’s what I have done, legally.
  10. Not to mention circumventing the cap and having owners that let you spend.
  11. LoL, ya he is standing there staring at all the numbers and buttons, index finger point circling the whole panel 18 times trying to find the ‘cook time’ button, then pushes his glasses up the brim of his beek and says, ‘well maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow I will find that button’. What I am trying to say is, maybe he DoES know exactly how to cook them, we just need to be patient long enough for him to do it. If he feeds us bad or uncooked noodles in hurry because we forced him to, then I don’t blame him. It’s not like he said they are done (playoff team), he said they are almost there but need more time (.500). Those are different things. If he came straight and said they were done (playoffs) and they weren’t at all (last place) then there you go. I am not advocating that he is doing a good job. Some thing have been head scratches. I’m just saying the noodles aren’t done.
  12. The problem with ALL of us. We don’t really know squat. A lot of people do know a lot about this team, and can make good points, but at the end of the day we are just armchair GMs looking at things through a filtered lense. At the end of the day Beeker is looking at things through magnifying glasses (literally and figuratively lol). It has not been long since he took over, he is making moves, he is making personnel changes on the office side as well. We need to give him some time to see how the dust settles. He may be playing 3D chess and we won’t know we are already pinned for checkmate 10 moves from now. He has scouts and advisors and coaches and analysts that we do not have access too. 2 years from now we may sound like idiots and he wins GM of the year. We only speculate now, but only then will we know if it was chess or shuffle board he was actually playing. But for me, he is paid a lot more than me, surrounded by much smarter (hockey wise) people than I, talking to a lot more savy hockey ops than any of us. One more bad analogy. Everyone likes a good ‘cup of noodles’, but there is a right way to do it. Patience pays off. If you heat the water too much and eat it too soon, all you end up with is crunchy noodles and scolding broth. You need to let it set for a bit, stir the noodles, let it set more to soften, then cool some. Sometimes add some hot sauce or soy or whatever. Then it is just right. Right now Beeker is stiring the noddles and we are all too excited and can’t wait to eat it and we ruin it. Give it another minute (year) before realizing it wasn’t ready and you are disappointed you didn’t wait a little longer before scarfing it down. Can’t blame Beeker if the noodles are still crunchy, that’s just where we are with the metaphorical ‘cup of noodles’. Either I am a genius or an idiot lol.
  13. When you put it like this it’s not necessarily looking through the right lenses. All those guys spanned a 15 year period. Some over lapping but most not. If you had to put a team together from those names in a vacuum, you could put a cup winner together easy. But some found there game after they left the duck (one way or the other) or they peaked at different times. So, while I understand the idea of what you are saying, I can’t find the point. Too broad of timeline to make a connection for me.
  14. The irony here is that Beeker probably needs a drink or two to lighten up and show some personality. The way he kind of blankly stares are reporters through those thick goggles, reminds me of the guy from Office Space ‘have you seen my stapler?’
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