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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 18 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    But he also said he wants to surround the young guys with a little more "oomph". Soooo...does that mean dumpster diving in the free agent market?

    You can bet it does! Think of how many players he can pick up with that extra cap. 

    • Sad 2
  2. 1 hour ago, ducks07 said:

    Best news this off-season IMO. There was no way in hell another team was going to trade for that contract. Im actually quite shocked that the Samueli's ponied up the cash to speed up the process to open the cup window. It was either going to be a buyout or an excruciating two more years of watching a washed up Perry on the ice or more likely in the press box. 

    He's not washed up. He's just not able to play up to the contract anymore. He had over 50 pts two years ago. Last year he was out most of the year and was trying to catch up to everyone else who were already playing at full speed. But to say that he's washed up is really naive. Heatley, who Bob picked up was washed up. Perry is not at that point yet. 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I think that there are better odds of the Ducks moving his contract to Seattle if they can’t buy him out. Is Jovanovski the only hockey player that’s done this procedure and come back? 

    Yeah. When Perry comes off the books the Ducks will just under $40 mil in cap space and could get over $45 mil if Kesler’s contract is moved. Manson, Lindholm, Rakell would need new contracts at that time if they are going to remain in Anaheim, Getzlaf can be extended next summer so there will be ample money.

    It’s not ideal but it’s not like Kesler’s contract is going to prevent the Ducks from contending during that time. The Ducks are handcuffed by lack talent/ going through a youth transition. The next couple of seasons are about seeing how that youth pans out. IMO.

    As far as I could tell based on the article he's the only hockey player and the first of the major sports leagues to do so. So it's a pretty recent procedure for athletes. 

  4. Yeah, the cap hit would be pro rated to what's remaining of the season. But they're all basically saying that he's not playing next year. And even if he does it will be at the end of the season where the hit won't be very big. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I’d just feel more optimistic if there was a bigger sample size of hockey players than just Jovanovski to go off of. Plus, Kesler also has a greater history of hip issues between the two. Assuming he is even able to play again, it’s not like we are going to get 2011-2016 Kesler back. I agree that he’s going to give it a go because that’s the type of guy he is but I don’t think that the Ducks are factoring him in to their plans after next season. It’s not necessarily a bad thing as the Ducks start transitioning towards their young players.

    I just hope that he’s able to live a pain-free life going forward.

    Oh I agree he's not even been the same Kesler for the past two years. But it's still ultimately his call as he's still got a contract. The article also said several tennis players came back from this surgery. But jovanovski also was out of the league after he came back as the Panthers used a buyout. He said it was because the game became too fast for him. So even if Kesler makes a return he might not be able to keep up and the ducks might buy his last year out. 

  6. Jovanovski actually was the first person truly recorded to play in any one of the four major sports after this kind of surgery. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about here. Plus they were teammates for a time in Vancouver, so he knows Kesler. Anything else is just speculation. If he thinks Kesler can do it if he wants to come back then I trust him more so than any other so called "expert". He basically said in the article that it just depends on Kesler if he really wants to. He said they talked hockey after the surgery so I'm thinking Kesler is going to give it a go. If the lockout doesn't happen he might have a chance. We'll see. Team Kesler anyone?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, FanSince1993 said:

    Good question. Unlike our aging veterans, Kings older players have some trade value. Carter/Quick/Brown can be traded any time for younger players/draft picks.

    Not sure who wants Brown. Unless of course you're the preds, they're always looking for someone to join the goon/diving squad. Brown checks all the needed requirements and then some!

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  8. He doesn't have to do anything just collect checks. Now it's possible he may agree to do some kind of a position with the same guaranteed salary if offered to officially retire but I'm not really sure what that would even be. He'd be making more than the HC to do some scouting work? Idk I guess it'd be better than nothing.

    I could be wrong but doesn't the team get some kind of insurance to pay part of the salary while on LTIR? Can someone who knows chime in on this?

    Anyway, it's a moot point right now without him actually saying he might be done. I still think he's going to make a push to attempt to play next year, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to just quit without really taking another shot at it. 

  9. 1 hour ago, FanSince1993 said:

    Yes, if he retires, he'll forfeit his remaining salary. He doesn't need money, he made more than enough during his career for himself and his family. What he needs to do now is to take care of his health. LTIR is an option for him, but it doesn't help team. Ducks would be on hook for 3 more years of his salary, won't be able to sign valuable free agents  and won't save much on salary cap. If I was GM, I would try to convince him to retire.

    What?! Who in their right mind would just do the team a solid? It's a business, he doesn't owe them anything. He's taken a beating for the team. LTIR is what he's going to do IF he decides to hang them up. He may still make a push in the off season, I think he may attempt it, and if it doesn't work out he will hang them up after that. We can't buy out an injured players contract. 

    I've also been wondering though. The 2003 draft class is coming to the end of their playing careers. I would have to think it's in the back of Perry's and Getz mind, especially seeing the other guys on the team from the same class. 

    • Like 3
  10. I understood what you said. I'm merely referring to the fact that earlier in the year everyone was saying to trade out our surplus of def for off. Now I don't consider pettersson for sprong as a huge upgrade at forwards. Vats for Rico was last year. You could actually make an argument that we didn't trade our def for much off. Montour was for another def. So the truth of the matter is in fact the forwards that are coming up are from the minors and not from trades as we expected. In a way, if we kept our def and just waited for the jr ducks we might actually of been better off. Now whether you could have theoretically kept everyone is a whole other matter. But it remains, none the less, that we are no longer as deep at def after trading for some scoring help. No high profile players were acquired, it's debatable whether that's good or bad at this point in having traded off some of the def, as Rico for example is actually a good player. So in a way we're back to square one, just this time we're going to be looking for def as you said. Unless of course Guhle really impresses and the rest of the def really gets it together next year. 

    Hopefully, our answer to all our imperfections is actually a coach who has a good system. Without that we will lose many more seasons to come. 

  11. I would like to say that this deadline was one of the more active and interesting ones from the perspective of so many good players being moved. 

    I think that it might also be because there is such a big difference in the teams that are cup contenders and just those that will just make the playoffs. Maybe that's why so many teams were going all in, especially the blue jackets. Will be interesting to see. On a side note, IF we were to make the playoffs we'd be blown out of the water. Maybe even worse than last year, if that's even possible. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Fisix said:

    it's a development thing, lacking at the NHL level.  we can get them to 60% NHL pretty quick, and so they look awesome at first, and then they stagnate and that's when we try to trade them.  we need a better development team to take NHL rookies to solid RFA NHLers, and then we'd have better trades on the table.

    That's an interesting way of putting it.

    I'm not totally against the montour trade, it's just that he's still got potential. Nashville has a good def corps, why isn't our d on par with theirs if we draft so well? And why isn't our top six full of really good players if we can trade all these good defensemen? Something isn't right here. Our defense was pretty good the last few years, where is all that talent?

    I also find it strange that we traded for a defenseman? Don't we need scoring? Weren't we saying that we should trade one of the top 4 for a scoring forward? This leads me to believe there isn't going to be one coming this summer. BM is banking on the kids. We better hope that these guys really step it up, otherwise we could see an even lower scoring team next year. 

  13. 8 hours ago, hoxxey said:

    It seems to me that the ducks seem to draft good defensemen.  The examples are Montour, Petterson and Theodore - just to name 3.  The problem is that once they get here their talents don't get harnessed in a way that lends itself to statistical success - so they are shipped out and blossom into stalwart players on other teams.  

    I agree with the post that said "shipping 24 year old defensemen out doesn't sit well with re-tooling" (close enough) - that is true here.  Say what you will about Montour, he never quit - sure he got beat and got scored upon but he did his best within the system he was given in which to operate.  Who knows?  Perhaps under a modern day, good hockey coach he would have found his game in a big way.  My sense is that he will do just that in Buffalo.  I am sorry to see him go.  

    The defensemen that should be shipped out is Murray...

    I agree. It seems like we draft good def. But here's the other problem. When we trade those defensemen out we don't get back top forwards. This leads me to believe that although BM drafts good, it's all for naught. Or at least not as great as we think it is since the guy in charge can't trade them for anything significant. 

    • Like 2
  14. 57 minutes ago, BritDuck168 said:

    On September 25, 2016, Sieloff hit fellow Senator Clarke MacArthur hard during a training camp scrimmage at the team's annual Fan Fest in an incident that left MacArthur with a concussion.[8] Bobby Ryanimmediately dropped his gloves and went after Sieloff, and on his next shift Chris Neil also attempted to get retribution. Sieloff was subsequently removed from the game as a precaution.[8] He was subsequently sent down to the AHL and did not receive a call up that season.

    Ah Bob, when will you ever learn? So he's officially our reclamation project for 2019. Can't wait to see this guy play on the top line, score 10 goals and get waived. Is this a strategy of yours? Cunning. Get the guy to score, waive him and get cap space back. Brilliant! Slowly but surely we are dumping those cap dollars. We will finally have enough cap space to sign someone for the season of 2030-31 with all that cap! Can't wait!

  15. Yeah, as much as we get attached to certain players we still need cap space. I hope to see some trades, but I fear that we will get some bottom 6 guys and send the young guys back to the Gulls. If I'm not mistaken, if the players are not on the ahl roster before the deadline then they can't play in the playoffs for the ahl team? Can someone confirm this?

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