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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 4 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:




    Gets lowballed in arbitration.  And asks for way more than they are worth.  If your ask is $8 mil, and you value is around $6, the team NEVER offers you $5.  They would only offer you $5 if your value was around $7, and if they did, they would be LOWBALLING you.


    Terry got a great deal from ANA.  In three years he might be worth $8 mil AAV.  Right now he's worth about $6.25 mil, but he had more value than that to the Ducks.  They wanted him at a bargain, he didn't budge, they got their playdriver and he got $49 mil and somehow, somewhere, we are trying to find failure in all that.

    I think you're also getting to hung up on the numbers. The point is that Terry now has a contract that's much closer to the final number than PV. In fact he's only 1 mil off meanwhile Verbeek is 2.5 mil off or 2.5 times as much as Terry. That's a pretty big difference if you ask me. Again I understand you're saying it's for a 1 or 2 year arbitration deal but it's just a really bad look to be that far off. I would have preferred not to go this far and not have Verbeek look like some kind of fool. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:


    That is how an arbitration in the NHL works.  Both sides shoot about 30-40% over/under the actual value, and they know that the arbitrator splits the difference.  Both sides know approximately where the player's value is.

    The Ducks OVERVALUED Terry in this deal.  Not by much, but this actual shows that they wanted to get him on really favorable terms, but were only gonna be able to do that for one year, which I think they didn't want.

    Terry wanted 7 or 8 years pre-arbitration filing, but the AAV was most likely around $6 mil, and he saw that as an underpay.  So he filed.

    It at all basically went to plan, really. 

    I understand you're arguing that the numbers are for arbitration but Terry ended up 1 mil over and PV was 2.5 mil under. Either way you look at it PVs offer was pretty bad. And again we shouldn't of even gotten to the point where Terry found out about this complete low ball from Verbeek. I'd say it was somewhat badly managed from Verbeek's side. Contract seems fine to me but again the low ball figure was already out there no matter arbitration or not. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    Lundestrom suffered an injury while training, sounds like he’ll be out for awhile

    I think Lundy still has some potential. I'm honestly interested in seeing what guys can do under a different coach. I think Jones and Lundy are two guys who could benefit under new coaching. But it gives other guys opportunities and I'm excited to see more of the kids. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Fisix said:

    i agree.  it's clear there are cliques in the GM ranks, and there are tons of informal chats.

    now, would a relatively veteran GM cold-call a newish GM and critique that new GM's RFA offers?  hell no.

    that said, if a newish GM reached out for advice, then an older GM-confidant would absolutely take the call... if the older GM could within the bounds of his duty of loyalty to his team and league rules.

    Beek has left this situation go on for so long, there's quite a few GMs he could reach out to for advice without worrying (too much) about their more selfish motives.

    it's times like these when i wish the kess and juice podcast was still a thing.

    Yeah I liked their podcast. Wish they had continued it. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    I think Verbeek was asked close to the end of the season if he had started negotiations with the RFA's and I believe his answer was "no because I don't want to distract them". I mean, it's not like Verbeek hasn't had time. He hired an AHL coach, NHL coach and went to the draft before July 1st. He couldn't make time to maybe get deals done with his two best players? One way or another, Terry will have a contract within the next few days but this whole process has been inexcusable.

    Yep. I was thinking the same thing. He had all season to sign him to a contract and he decided too just let the player play out the season before negotiating. Now months after the season ended for the ducks he still hasn't signed him. What has he been doing this whole time?! We shouldn't even be at this point. Contract should have been signed a long time ago. So should Zegras. We were a terrible team and now we have to suffer through the off season with all this?! PV is playing with fire. At this rate he doesn't last long as GM.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Fisix said:

    pthpt.  no, that's not right.  UFAs negotiate their salaries in the clear, and keeping RFAs cheap means more money for the UFAs.

    i agree in the sense that i think Beek is missing the forest for the trees.  he's myopically nickel and diming two exciting players when he should be focused on things that make the team better on the ice.  sure, a GM doesn't want to handcuff him/herself to contracts that will be dogs by the end of their terms, but a GM also doesn't want to waste all their resources (time, fan excitement, team cohesiveness, etc.) on striking the perfect team price for a contract.

    there could be details that make this situation more reasonable, but i feel like we're bending over backwards trying to find excuses for Beek to do the things he's doing.

    Sure but when players see us low balling guys when their contracts are up, what are they going to think? That might come up in their thinking on whether or not to sign here. Those kinds of things could be the small details on whether or not a player wants to come to us in ufa.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    I saw this comment here or elsewhere - it looks like Verbeek is remaking this team completely in the image he wants, and guys who got here before and don't fit that image are getting the boot.  

    I guess, in a way, I should be happy about that.  The thing that plagued most of Murray's tenure is that he was constantly trying to reconfigure the roster behind Getzlaf and Perry based on what team most recently beat them in the playoffs.  He couldn't build a cohesive team identity, so players were constantly moving in and out, never really meshing completely.  It seems Verbeek is trying to build around a vision - big, competitive, and intelligent.  

    I don't know how well that's going to work out.  At some point, you need someone who can score goals.  Terry and Zegras can.  And Terry, at least, seems to have the work ethic and competitiveness that Verbeek is looking for, even if he doesn't have the size.  He also seems to have a good deal of leadership. I don't get Verbeek's lack of desire to have him in the organization.

    But lowballing an offer like this is just a bad look for the organization.  There are a ton of kids coming up who are going to see what's going on and already have their hackles up when it comes time to negotiate.  It also is going to have a questionable effect on Terry's trade value, since it seems clear the Ducks are going to be looking to move him in the next couple years (although isn't there a moratorium on trading a player until a certain length of time after an arbitration settlement?).

    I was hoping for some forward movement sooner rather than later.  I'm skeptical that it's ever going to happen, much less happen soon.


    What's worse it this also affects our image with UFAs. What high profile players would want to come here seeing things like this? I understand trying to find a middle ground with the arbitrator but this just hurts our organizational image more than helps us get the ruling in our favor. Honestly this looks like Terry isn't going to be a Duck for long. I'm getting worried what Zegras is being offered. 

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  8. 10 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:


    Just in case we forget this when wondering why impact players may not want to come to Anaheim right now.

    Oh the Pacific division.... 

    I'd love for us to start dominating our rivals to the north starting next season. I'd like for nothing more than to watch the Kings lose. Playoffs, probably not. Beating the Kings? Yes please!

  9. 6 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    [Ring, Ring]

    Matt Murray: Hi Mr. Treliving, how are you today?

    Brad Treliving: Hi Matt. I'm fine. I was just wondering if you're healthy enough to play hockey?

    MM: Yes, I feel great! I'm golfing today and I can't wait to get back on the ice next month!

    BT: Well, if you're healthy, we're going to have to buy out the remaining year on your contract. It will cost you about $2.67M.

    MM: Oh.... well, I actually have a bit of a headache today. Not sure I'll be able to play this season after all.

    BT: That's what I was hoping you'd say. We'll go ahead and put you on LTIR for the season. Looks like you'll be the early favorite for the Masterton next season too. Enjoy your round! 


    Wouldn't this hurt Murray more though? Like missing a year could be career threatening for him. If he's ready to play I would think he'd play. But that was pretty funny!😂

  10. 49 minutes ago, dtsdlaw said:

    This made me lol. Well done.

    If not Tarasenko, then what about Kane to NYR? We could sign him, and then acquire Laf for a 3rd + "future consideration", with the future considerations being trading Kane to the Rangers when he's recovered from his hip surgery. Not that I want Kaner on this team ever, but if we have to cope with Pears in Chicago for 3/4 of a season, then maybe Chigacoans should have to watch Kaner in a Ducks sweater for a few games too.

    I could also see Tarasenko or Dumba on a 1-year retained salary as a piece going to Toronto in a Nylander sign-and-trade. Or maybe to Florida in a Reinhart sign-and-trade. All pie in the sky, I know. But it's July 25th and we still need another NHL-caliber top-6 winger, so any and all ideas should be welcome..

    I think Perry signed for two years so that's going to hurt more than you think. 😥

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  11. 1 minute ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    Why did you put "easy" in quotation marks?  I certainly never said it was easy.  I think there's a fairly clear path to getting close (Muzzin on LTIR, Brodie getting the boot, Woll going down since no team carries three goalies), and then they might have to do some manipulating on the margins.  But getting rid of Brodie without retaining salary will take some work.  

    My point was only that looking at that $12 million overage isn't an accurate reflection of how far over they are.  I do think it's fair to ask how they'll get rid of that last million.

    They can still buy out Murray I believe. But I'm sure they're trying to trade guys out first instead of just buying them out to get as much savings as they can. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, ike8228 said:

    If the arb is giving them the middle ground, then I would ask for 100 million ‘puts pinky up’…well we will give you 50 instead…ok that’s fine ‘wink’

    If Verbeek is seeing this, and wants to get ahead of it, then wouldn’t the agent see the same and play hard ball even more?

    I don't think that's how it works. Likely the arbitrator looked at comparables given by each side and judged that likely he ended up somewhere in between the comparables. Both sides want the maximum for what they're looking for so the guys they argue will be highly in each other's favor. But in the Leafs case because they don't have cap space they really needed to play hard ball. Tough luck for them. We can easily help out a fellow team. 

    😂😂😂for the right price of course!

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Aksun said:

    I thought he was mis-used too as a checking forward, whereas he's more of a scoring option.

    He's just a player that wasn't good enough to play in the top 6 and wasn't really geared to play bottom 6 either. I'll say that I hope his spot gets taken by one of the kids though. If it's some low ceiling guy not from the farm I'd rather have Grant. Hope he does well in Europe. 

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Yeah, I'm just thinking long-term, overall.  Terry getting $7.25 mil for 7 years instead of $6.75 mil for 6 years is not gonna be the straw that broke the camel's back.

    What you can't factor in is UFA signings and trades, and if the Ducks want to be contending, some of those deals will make the Killorn and Gudas' contracts look like bargains.  That's okay, because you usually have to pay for players like that, but you want to be able to.

    So, if he, say, wants/thinks he's worth $8.25 mil for 8, that's getting dicey.

    Zegras is gonna get very high 7's to low 8's for 8 years, imo.  And if McTavish improves on the past season his next 2 he will get more like $9 mil x 8.  I think we can sometimes forget that he came in as a 19/20-year old and put up 17 G, 26 A in 80 games on the worst team in the league, not playing 1st line minutes, and not exactly playing with stellar linemates.  And did it as a C.  As a reference, Zegras came in as a 19/20-year-old and put up 3 G and 10 A in 24 games.

    A lot depends on what he does the next two seasons, but hopefully he improves each season.  And if he does, he's getting paid.

    Carlsson?  Well, you hope the kid you drafted 2nd OA is an absolute stud.  And, like McTavish and Zegras, if he is, he will be close to or above $9 mil in 3-4 seasons.

    As far as Killorn v. Terry, Killorn's last 5 seasons blow Terry's out of the water.  If you pay Terry $500k more than Killorn ($6.75 mil), I don't see anyone having an issue with that.

    Interesting. If you project Zegras numbers over the course of 80 games he ends up with about 10 G and 33 A for 43 pts.

    McT had 17 G and 26 A for 43 pts

    However, I'd say that Zegras probably would have had better numbers if he had played all 80 games. It's all going to depend on what McT can produce next season. That's really going to determine his next contact and if it's going to be higher than Zegras. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Aksun said:

    I thought some NHL backwater would pick him up, he was borderline serviceable. Oh well, guess I'm not a hockey expert after all, nobody wants to have him in the top league, our team must have been below bad these past three years and I failed to realize it.

    All the best to him in Zurich, he will like the scenery.

    I'm probably one of the few on here that actually liked Grant. I thought he was a good 4th liner. When he came back into the lineup I thought that line had some jump. He's actually not a bad passer either. 

    • Like 4
  16. 1 hour ago, perry_mvp said:

    Kuznetsov has been wanting to get out of Washington for at least a couple of years now. He's still there because I guess no one wants to trade for him. Gibson is in the same boat. Unless he gets put on LTIR for the next how may ever seasons, he's a Duck whether he wants to be here or not. His best chance of being traded is by proving himself.

    Yeah I don't see Gibson bring moved this off season. I still think he plays this year and maybe next off season he gets traded where his contract is more palatable and shorter. I still think the defense isn't helping him any and if PV wants to trade him he needs to do more with this defense than what we're currently projecting. I think PV still adds another defenseman before the season starts. Hagg shouldn't even be penciled in the lineup for opening night. If we add someone and one of the kids out plays Hagg then so be it. Put him on waivers and play the kid. It's not difficult. Losing Hagg wouldn't be a big deal. We should be trying to ice a good defense not a bunch of waiver wire guys. If PV runs a terrible defense next season, I'm not sure I'm willing to give him any more benefit of the doubt. So far, he's acting more like Bob than Yzerman. The Yzerplan so far doesn't seem to be working much in Detroit. They were good in Tampa but I think they lucked out with some of their picks. Let's hope this rebuild gets a move in the right direction. 

  17. 21 minutes ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I’d call up New York and tell them that I want Lafrenierre and I’ll give ‘em a second, maybe another asset for Laf or I’m just gonna offer sheet him. I’m not taking on 4 more years of Goodrow’s contract. 

    I think given the circumstances of an offer sheet I would have to think you would need to come up with comparable value otherwise they would just accept the return on the offer sheet. I'm not saying that we take both Goodrow and Laf but that the value of the trade should be comparable. I'm not sure what Laf is worth but maybe a decent prospect that still has 1st rd value and a second. But I'd have to think new York may want a player back that can play or if they're dead set on getting Tarasenko then picks/ prospect. Would they still be able to sign Tarasenko after they move Laf though? 

    The other thing with offer sheets is the other team may like the $ but not the term so you could theoretically offer sheet guys to longer contracts where the other team doesn't want to commit to the years. Isn't that what happened with Shea Webber? Nashville eventually decided to match but the contract was for high dollars AND term. I think the length of the contract was ultimately the deciding factor and not the dollars. So in the Lafreniere scenario, would we be willing to sign him to say a 7 year contract? So maybe like a 5x7? I don't know. I understand he's young but he really hasn't proven much. It could become a bargain contract or he doesn't grow his game anymore and we become sort of stuck with a bad contract. I mean that would be betting on him getting better. Would we take that risk?

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  18. 3 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Ducks should offer sheet Lafrenierre, but NHL GM’s are cowards 

    If I remember correctly our former gm Burkie talked about offer sheets and specifically Penner. What I recall him saying is that it was common to call the team and say 'hey we want to offer sheet this guy. Do you want to work out a trade or we're just going to offer sheet him?' That way it's not a surprise to the team holding the player. It also prevents negative feelings from fostering. The other team doesn't know, but has a good guess, as to what you're offering. And if they're up against the cap you could work out a trade. The Goodrow+ Lafreniere trade mentioned up above is probably a better way of get your guy without having the team be angry with you and retaliate with an offer sheet on your guy later. Something to think about. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    I understand all your points, but here are some counters:

    • I don't subscribe to the theory that you need RHD to play on the right side.  I think it's helpful, but I think there are plenty of LHD who have the ability to play over there.  So subtracting a RHD doesn't mean the Ducks are automatically short on RDs if they've got other guys to take their place.  I think LaCombe, for example, has played the right side before.
    • I think it's a mystery as to whether the Ducks have any prospects who are true scorers.  Perreault and Tracey have to be considered longshots to have NHL careers at this point.  Pastujov is a possibility, but he has plenty of his own hurdles to overcome.  And all the 2023 draftees are way too far away to make a call on.  I love me some playmakers, but the Ducks seems to have stocked up on those. McTavish is the only one on the roster who seems to fit the bill as a scorer, and I don't think he's elite at it - very good, but not elite.  The team needs a player who can fill the net.  I'm not super thrilled about it being a one-dimensional guy like Debrincat, but I think Keller is a step up from Debrincat and would be worth a high price.
    • I'm a Drysdale skeptic.  I think he still has plenty of upside, but I was hoping for Sami Vatanen and I haven't seen anything to make me think Drysdale has that in him.  At his best, Vatanen was a 2nd pairing d-man who could run the first power play, play well positionally, move the puck out of the zone with possession, and surprise bigger players with his feistiness in the corners.  I just don't know that Drysdale will get there, which means his upside is probably as a good 3rd pairing d-man. If the Ducks can get more value than that by trading him now rather than seeing the shine come off, I'm good with it.  I don't want to give him away, but I think he could be a useful asset in a trade like this.  I like Zellweger, Mintyukov, and Luneau's upside more than Drysdale. 
    • I wonder if Drysdale is a Verbeek guy.  He came in under the old regime, so I think if any of these guys are going to get dealt, Drysdale (or Zellweger, who also came in before Verbeek got here) are the likely guys to get traded.

    I will stipulate in the Drysdale stuff that we've only seen him play for Eakins. I'm eager to see him in an actual defensive system, which might change my mind.  That said, while I'm not advocating giving him away, I would be fine seeing him moved for a proven player that fits an area of need for the Ducks.

    I don't think he's a great comparable but I think of Sergachev in Tampa as a guy who didn't seem like a great player at first but has taken the steps to take over from Hedman. If Drysdale grows in a similar fashion, and he could, I think the Ducks would be really happy with him. 

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