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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 3 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Except you can? We’ve seen a lot of teams grt weighed down by paying a flash in the pan goaltender a lot of money for a lot of years. 

    St Louis 


    Are teams that paid goalies and are hurting because of it, prior to the playoffs Florida was hurting. At some point you have to believe that what’s in front do you and Gibson hasn’t done himself any favors. It’s probably more likely than not Gibson can turn it around, but you have Dostal and Clang is close. There’s gonna be guys in FA, there’s always a guy who signs cheap in FA and over performs find that guy. 
    Gibson has 4 more years at 6.4 and while it migjt not be a big deal now or next season. That’s a lot of money that could be going to a bad goalie in years you’d really like to have 6.4 million to spend to build on your core


    LA? Quick was not a flash in the pan goalie. Neither is Gibby. He got paid because he was a really good goaltender. The problem is he signed his contract just as the team was on the decline. So he basically has been on a rebuilding team in his prime years. I still don't think he's going anywhere though. His contract is still too long for any real trade to make sense. He probably plays out this year and MAYBE next off season makes sense. Besides I don't see why he'd go to the pens, they're going to be in the same rebuilding boat as we are very very soon. 

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  2. Can't say that I'm too surprised about the trade request. This was from that article above:

    "With little defensive support, Gibson was tagged with the worst statistical season of his career. Amazingly, Gibson’s save percentage was still exactly league average (.899), which is an indication of how much game he has left."

    I did a quick search on Google and I found the average to be .904 this season. That's still impressive for Gibson to be near average when he was getting imploded with shots. 

    • Sad 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I don’t think you can rebuild, you gotta take a few my cracks at it? the pens are just screwed right now though, nothing in the system, nothing really on the roster, aging super stars. 

    They got to bite the bullet and start trading their stars for assets. The sooner they start the better their rebuild will be and the sooner they get back into contention. They're just going to become the next red wings or Blackhawks. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Corey Perry is at least still good at hockey 

    I'm not sure if I'd say 'good'. He brings some intangibles to teams and he steps  it up in the playoffs. But he's solely a player for a contender at this point. If you're not contending for the Cup there's no real need for him. By the way, I really like Perry so this isn't a knock on his game it's just where he's at in his career. I'm not sure he's even going to get a chance to play next year but I'd probably say he's got a better one than Lucic. This team doesn't have a need for either one. Play the kids already! Or go out and get someone younger in ufa. Perry just doesn't have a place here, and as much as I'd want him to play out his last season's here it's just not going to happen. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    I disagree with this. He was projected as a solid middle-6 2-way center when he was drafted, and that's basically what he has become. The season before he came to the NHL he was the rookie of the year in the SEL, and when he arrived in North America, he was by most accounts at the time progressing on his way to becoming exactly what he was projected to be - i.e. not the 43G guy he was for one miraculous season, but the 40-50pt 2-way center he has carved out a career as. I also remember that he showed just fine in his first stint with the Ducks. His numbers over his first 18 games (2G/1A) are pretty similar to that Rakell guy's first 18 games (0G/4A), and we were raving about his wrist shot on these boards when we first saw it live. I don't think Karlsson would have ever been anywhere close to 78 points in a single season if he'd stayed with Anaheim, but I definitely think he could have found a home as a 3C behind Getzlaf and Kesler, and eventually taken Kesler's spot when the hip finally gave out.

    As for the Wiz trade, it was just a massive misidentification of the primary need of this team for that playoff run. Bob thought his team needed more offense from his blue line, but in reality he mostly needed a better 3C. We had Rakell (1G/0A in 16 playoff games) and Fleischmann (0G/1A in 6 playoff games) trying to fill that 3C hole, but IMO that's ultimately what undid this team against Chicago. The Hawks got big goals from their bottom-6 forwards, and we got almost nothing from ours. I can't help but wonder if Karlsson could have provided a spark. I mean, he couldn't have been any worse than Jiri Sekac, who played in all 7 games against Chicago and didn't register a single point. 

    This right here. A good GM is able to evaluate what's needed. Bob ended up recycling a player because he was available and he knew him and we never ended up using him or quite frankly needing him. I'm not against the fact we traded wild Bill, it's what we got. Playoff teams trade young prospects/ picks for the now and we were contending for the Cup. It made sense to do some trades but getting Wiz was just really disappointing and one of the areas where Bob had failed. I hope that PV will improve the gm position in this area. Some of his moves are so far are not the greatest but I hope that he's able to work on that and properly evaluate the team personnel and our needs and go out and do his best to aquire the pieces necessary to win. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    Yes, we got Khudobin. Wiz was such a spectacular bust that Bob traded him 3.5 months later for a $2.5M 3rd string goaltender who played more games for the Gulls (35) than he did for the Ducks (9).

    Only the most ardent Bob Murray defenders refused to acknowledge how bad that trade was at the time.

    I went through some of the GDT for the 2015 playoffs and Wiz was mentioned plenty of times as to why he wasn't playing. It was a bad trade at the time, I'm not defending it. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Except Karlsson showed no signs of ever being what he is now for the Ducks or Columbus. The 2014/2015 Ducks were probably the best team we had since 2007. We probably win the Cup that year if they don’t blow it to Chicago. Karlsson put up 3 points in 18 games, so Murray tried to add to that roster. It happens you can look back at almost every trade that competitive teams make to win now and it looks terrible in hindsight, especially if you don’t win the cup. I’m not losing sleep over it. 

    He only played 18 games for us and was still a borderline nhl player. We just have up way way too soon on him. Any player with 18 games of nhl experience, doesn't matter where they were drafted, is way too early to make any kind of assessments as to what kind of player they will become. 

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    Wiz was a turnstile defensively. Partly because he arrived pre-broken. I remember he was even delayed getting on the ice for his first practice with the Ducks because his special knee brace hadn’t arrived yet. Boudreau was right to sit him for the playoffs  (although I think that decision was the beginning of the end for his relationship with xGMBM). He was such a liability in our own zone, worse than what Ryan Suter was for the Stars over the past two weeks. I posted an article on this board at the time from Columbus’ version of Anaheim Calling that was basically celebrating the trade of Wiz away from their franchise because he had been so terrible defensively for them from an analytics perspective. And IIRC, his $5M+ cap hit also put the Ducks in a bind with respect to resigning Beauchemin that summer, and Beauch ended up leaving for Colorado. It was just an awful trade from the get-go, and the eventual fall out from that trade (losing Wild Bill, losing Beauchemin in UFA, the souring of the BB-BM relationship) pushes it near the top of Bob’s list of all-time list of clunkers.

    We did end up with Anton Khudobin though. And considering Wiz only played a grand total of one final game for the Canes that was a success I'd say. That whole trade ended up being a cap dump of Bourqe basically. And I don't recall anyone being happy we got Wiz back. It was definitely a head scratcher especially considering that Bob wanted Wiz it seemed like and we never ended up playing him. So I wouldn't say that we're looking at the trade based on hindsight. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    Trading Karlsson wasn't giving up on him.  It was giving up a future asset for a current one.  And given the time value of money (and talent), the future asset generally has more projected potential value than the current asset.

    Wisniewski had just come off a 51-point season from the back-end with the Blue Jackets, and he was putting up a pretty decent season for them the year the Ducks reacquired him 29 points in 56 games.  It sucks that his career was completely obliterated by injuries once the Ducks got him back, but this trade, purely in terms of value, was not as bad as it turned out in hindsight.  Recall that the Ducks played Clayton Stoner all 16 games in the playoffs.  That could have been Wisniewski instead.

    The bigger issue with the trade was that the Ducks were trading out of a position of relative paucity (they should have identified sooner that Rakell was not going to be an NHL center) and they needed forward depth WAY more than they needed defensive depth.  So the trade was still dumb in that sense.  But I think it's revisionist to say that they gave away Karlsson for nothing.

    But they never ended up putting Wiz into the lineup if I recall and injuries weren't the reason. Or am I not remembering it correctly? I'm pretty sure everyone was upset we traded for a guy that we didn't even end up using. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, DucksFan_08 said:

    Florida all the way. I hope the long layoff doesn't affect their play too much in game 1. It'll be 10 days I think. Having rested players is a good thing but they were on a roll. 

    Yeah isn't that what happened to the Sens in 07? They got a lot of time off but were destroyed by the ducks. 

  11. 11 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    Bobby’s stardom was hampered by his own addictions. If he stayed sober, he would have had a longer successful career. 

    Bobby was also a pretty good player though in his own right. Besides, he obviously owns a top 5 spot in top ducks goals with his amazing play against the predators! 


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  12. 1 hour ago, FanSince1993 said:

    I still can't recover from the fact that we won't get Berard. I had so much hope for it, we really need a franchise player to sell merchandise, to fill up arena, to enjoy Ducks game. Instead, we'll end up with Bobby Ryan type of player - a good NHL player but not a difference maker.

    I find it interesting that in the last 2 decades a small market team never got 1st overall pick. Buffalo is the only exception that comes to my mind - 2021 NHL Entry Draft, one of the weakest drafts in the history. 

    But isn't Fantilli supposed to be a lot better than Bobby Ryan ever was? If Fantilli really does reach the potential that he's projected to have then he's a superstar, which Bobby never was. 

  13. 2 hours ago, DucksFan_08 said:

    Couldn´t agree more. A damn fine is all they got. They should have forfaited picks (and I don´t say this because I want Bedard). Something they really would have felt.

    It's weird that the Coyotes had to give theirs up for tapering and the hawks only get a fine. Even NJ had to forfeit picks for "circumventing the cap". Lame. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    Eakins on The Athletic podcast today:


    At the 30:20 mark, from Eakins’ own mouth….

    ”That high pick, it was necessary. It was SO necessary. The organization needed a top-3 pick this year. It was just absolutely necessary. I know the record looks bad, but it’s basically Mission Accomplished.”

    Oh wow. So then everyone with a tin foil hat on this year.... I'm sorry we never believed you. But I do wonder if PV also had this in mind. 

  15. 38 minutes ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Did he choose to leave America? I’m honestly surprised he’s not in the league anymore, he’s only 31 and was fine his last season or so. 

    I'd look into signing him on a good deal of that's the case. But he's probably slowed down considerably so he's not the same guy from when he was here. But he can't be any worse then the defense we assembled last season. 

    On a side not Montour is really becoming a beast of a defenseman for the panthers. Wish we still had him. 

  16. 3 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    To me, it looks like Fantilli is trying to hit him right in the chest, and does.  Does the top of his shoulder pad hit the guy in the face?  I'm assuming that's what they called.  But to me, he's 100% taking the body to separate that guy from the puck.


    Yeah I don't see an issue. He's taking the body, the other player puts himself in a vulnerable spot. If the other guy was a little taller and did this, nothing would come of it. There's no intent to injure here. Smaller players should absolutely be more aware of their surroundings. Guys shouldn't expect to be hit in the head sure but not paying attention to what's directly in front of you is also a big no no. 

    • Like 3
  17. 9 hours ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    I don't disagree with any of your points here.  But with the sheer amount of (yes, unproven) talent coming on defense, I think we need to see something from Drysdale this season.  Maybe that's a little harsh considering he missed a year and has had to deal with learning defensive systems from Eakins for his career to this point.  However, he's a 6th overall pick whose offensive numbers have been solid but whose possession and defensive numbers have been pretty abysmal.  If he can take steps this year to bring those to respectability, I'll be happy.  He's never going to be a huge guy, but I want to see some Vatanen in him - using strength and quickness to get in good positions and win pucks in the D-zone.

    If his game is rusty for a couple months but he looks stronger and faster on the ice, I'll be satisfied.

    I feel like Vatanen was sorely missed on this defense. His shot blocking and getting pucks through screens was really good. For a smaller defenseman he was great. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I guess we’re already in the “I heard from a guy who knows a go, who knows a guy who’s well connected” part of the offseason. 

    That's just the short version for now! Wait until we get further along then the waitress who served a guy, who knew a guy, who got fired from McDonald's and on the way out the parking lot got into a minor fender bender with someone who knows a guy that went into a Walmart and overheard that they knew the parking guy at the Honda center that overheard a slight whisper in the wind that the Ducks were trading for Connor McDavid for a 7th round pick.... at least that's what I heard from the garbage man....

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    • Haha 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    We need some defensively responsible forwards, but it does not appear that Goodrow is a defensive stalwart any more.  He was third highest in expected goals against per 60 on the Rangers last year.  I suspect that some of that is due to his usage, but if he was actually good at defense, his numbers wouldn't be that bad.  No thanks on Goodrow.

    My biggest issues would be the length of his contract and he's 30 already. But I wonder, depending on the sweetener, might he be worth it if say we get Goodrow+Lafreniere <-> third round pick? Or is that a low ball? I'm not sure what it would cost to move Goodrow and what Lafreniere is currently worth. 

    But could Goodrow be like a Henrique type player for us or maybe more like a Silfverberg. Perhaps he just had a down year or like you said the way he was utilized. But perhaps taking on that contract might be a bit of a gamble and we'd be stuck with a bad contract. 

  20. Interesting, so I've thought about 5 year periods and the first 5 years the franchise was .444 ppg. So our last 5 years have been worse than when we first came into the league. 

    There's been 29 Total seasons played:

    Years 1-5 = .444

    Years 6-10= .483

    Years 11-15= .582

    Years 16-20= .598

    Years 21-25= .607

    Years 26-29 (only a 4 year period)= .419

    • Thanks 2
  21. 1 hour ago, tommer-1 said:

    I think the biggest issue I have with comparing them is Gibson is unfortunately a part of one of the worst periods of ducks hockey history. We've just been on a downward trend for like the last 5-6 years, and on a really bad downward trend at that, culminating with the worst record in ducks history. 

    Over the last 5 years our overall team record is .434 ppg. We're just really really bad. The last time we were close to a .500 team was 2018-19 when we had 80 pts in 82 games. We've never gone through a period as rough as this and Gibson is right in the middle of it. He's going to bounce back with the team getting better and his numbers will improve as well. 

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