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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 10 hours ago, Fisix said:

    1) this feels like someone on the development team making a promise to a local heavy, then an out-of-the-loop beancounter on the development team shifting a highway exit or a parking lot a half mile or less to save money... money that would have gone to said local heavy, and then the local heavy doing what local heavies do - very quickly kill the entire project using a multi-front "grass roots" attack that the development team just wasn't built to understand, let alone fight effectively. a simple failure in local diplomacy, in a state where the local heavies have more power than a city dweller would ever suspect. the airport and others knew the score - they weren't going to get on the bad side of the local heavy.

    2) the only glimmer of hope is that if a local heavy was treated badly and brought the war so quickly and effectively, the heavy could just as quickly turn the tides and get the development deal done... it'd just cost more than the deal prior to the diplomacy failure.  probably would require an ownership stake in the team.  someone high up on the development team just needs to be willing to bend (over) a bit more than they're used to.

    3) the Coyotes have deals in place to continue to operate for 2 more years in the same fashion they have this past year. that gives them some time to get the next deal in place, regardless of what bettman et al. say about "a few weeks". the owner is not going to sunset the team - it's too big an asset. he won't be able to sell it without some prospects in line... though maybe whoever got piddleed off in this development deal will be willing to deal with a new owner? some options there, but the current owner will take a bath. so, barring that, the team has to be moved and established again before it can be sold.

    4) not a fan of Houston, but that's an option. Portland? Sacramento? Reno? Salt Lake? They all have arenas that could be retrofitted for hockey fairly quickly, though except for Sac, they don't have the population to compete with the Phoenix metro area.

    i have to say, a large part of this falls on bettman.  they provided support and then didn't provide support, all at the wrong times, and his league development decisions overall have been just soooooo suspect.  he got us on ESPN, great, but somehow fraked up the contracts so that the timing was all wrong.  it really feels like a commissioner on their way out, knowing it, and phoning it in till the new guy gets named.

    I think if they were to relocate it would probably be somewhere in the central division. It just makes the most amount of sense. Salt Lake might fit into that spot but it's likely going to be Houston. They are a big city with potential and they've previously been interested. 

    By the way Portland has a bigger Metro area than Sacramento. I live in the Portland area and the stadium used here can absolutely be used for hockey. The Portland Winterhawks of the WHL played there sometimes before playing next door in a smaller arena full time. I think the market would support it but that would mean the Winterhawks would have to move. 

    Anyway, I don't see that happening. Maybe in some future expansion but not likely. I'd look at teams in the central part of the US and Houston just becomes the city that makes the most amount of sense. 

  2. 2 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    It doesn’t matter what we or the Duck scouts think, it’s what Columbus thinks. Maybe they realllllly want one of the two. They may be willing sweeten the pot to GUARANTEE getting the one they want.

    I think if anyone really wants to move up and might be willing to give up a ton, that would be the sharks. They desperately need a rebuild and I think they'd be willing to give up a lot for a top guy. I just don't see us willing to move down like that though. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I don't see the upside in trading for Matthews when you could theoretically get him next summer. Also, why would he agree to a contract extension with the Ducks? If anything, if the Ducks young core and new coach take a noticeable step next season, then you probably have a better chance of landing Matthews. Not to mention, you'd have more assets to bring in other players as well since you wouldn't have parted with them to get Matthews.

    I think there slim to zero chance that Matthews signs here anyway. Don't know which center you'd ship out to make room for him either or that the cap structure with him making 12+ million will work. No team in the cap era has won the cup with a player that has a 10 mil aav hit

    Yeah I just can't see Matthews signing here and his cap hit is just not going to work. We might end up being Toronto west. Although we have a goaltender that's probably better and our defensive pipeline should be better as well. But we'll end up in huge cap problems almost immediately. Zegras, Terry, McT, Drysdale (hopefully), Mintyukov (hopefully), Zellweger (hopefully) and Fantilli (hopefully) should be really good players for us. That's going to eat up a lot of cap in the future. 

  4. 2 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    The annual rumors or Nylander being available has begun. The Leafs need to start making room if they are going to re-sign Matthews and make the necessary changes they need to make to D in order to re-tool.

    Nylander has one more year at 7M I believe. Is he still a player that fits the Ducks current state of rebuilding? A comparable lateral level move in terms of talent/production and salary, but F for D could be a Fowler for Nylander Trade? With all the D we have coming, we have a surplus. Is Fowler what they are looking for? I think it does, but is it enough considering they can not take back too much cap. Swapping F cap for D cap is only part of a possible solution.

    Nylander is a RH RW who’s career is apx .8pt per game, but had 80+pt in the last two seasons. 80 and 87 respectively. And he had a great playoffs.

    Some say that Marner makes more sense to move because of his cap hit (11M) but I am not sure the Ducks want that contract unless they retain part of it.

    I think what they really should do is somehow try to trade out Tavares. He's older than the others and from a player and cap standpoint makes the most sense to try to make additional runs with the core. They would need to replace him with someone as well but they would save on the cap and could upgrade other parts of their team. The problem is his huge contract and if he'd even be willing to waive his NMC. Muzzin's career might be done so they might have some additional cap flexibility. They need to also find a taker for Murray's contract. Probably need a new head coach too. They don't need to rebuild, just a high level retool would be enough. BUT, if Matthews or Nylander say they won't resign then you have to trade one of those guys, or both. Toronto is in a very interesting predicament, it either goes very badly for them or they might be able to still salvage some cup runs. Either way tough decisions are ahead. 

  5. Just now, saskduckfan said:

    Sent off to war is what I was referring to, which would have been Putin's way of keeping him around.

    What does playing hockey and the war have anything to do with this? It wouldn't matter if you were the owner of a Chick-fil-A restaurant. It's war. We're talking about keeping someone from leaving to continue playing in another league. 

    • Confused 1
  6. Just now, Spencer_12 said:

    The more I read about Fantilli the more I don’t see how the Ducks pass on him. His floor seems to be what Beniers is now, and his ceiling is an elite #1C. Evaluators seem to think he has a strong chance at reaching that.  Even if take the middle point between where Beniers is now, and a 100 point center, how in the world do you pass on that? Especially when the package this comes in is exactly what the Ducks need. They need someone with size who plays with a crazy energy and physical edge.

    If you look at Carlsson, he has barely even played center. Even if you think he’s got a smaller chance at being more elite than Fantilli (I’m talking about the scouts who put him #2, which seems to be a minority), he doesn’t seem to have the floor of Fantilli and he doesn’t have the same game - the exact kind of game we are missing. 

    As for Fantilli vs a hypothetical Michkov in the above scenario, I still take Fantilli. Even if Michkov ends up putting up more points than Fantilli, all the other things Fantilli brings is really valuable. 

    Agree. If we ended up drafting 4-5 we consider taking Michkov. Drafting 2nd this should be Fantilli. 

  7. Just now, saskduckfan said:

    Obviously you dont remeber last summer when there was a real concern that Kaprizov wasnt going to be back and he basically had to leave under cover.

    Kaprizov had a visa issue I believe. No one forced him to sign a contract in the KHL. The biggest concern was that he might get sent off to war. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, saskduckfan said:

    Ok so it's a rumor that isn't confirmed. 

    1) People who come into a lot of money are oftentimes extorted for money. The lottery is a good example of that. That happens literally everywhere, including the US. 

    2) If it's true his dad was trying to void his contract I can see how someone wasn't too happy about that because they likely got a cut of the money from the contract. Not trying to justify his death here. If this is indeed true they need to find whoever did this and bring them to justice. 

    3) I can see why his dad would try to get him to the US. There's a war going on, people aren't blind. He probably wanted him to not end up involved in the war. 

    4) If this is all true, wouldn't this mean that Michkov will be on the first flight to North America once his contract is done?

  9. 14 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    My response was to a hypothetical question about whether I would take Michkov at #2 given him attending the draft as a possible means of coming over and staying in North America. He's not coming over anytime soon and in the hypothetical I said that it would be harder to take Fantilli if Michkov came over immediately. He's the 2nd best pure offensive talent in this draft imo.

    Also, the Soviet Union may be done but Russia is still ruled by one person who will do whatever he wants. Ironically, he started a land war in Europe in no small part to try reclaim part of the old Soviet Union because he laments its collapse 30 years ago. Michkov may very well just being doing what other Russians have done and make a good living playing at home which will also be the reason why he falls in the draft. Though, if Putin doesn't want the next potential Russian superstar to go West (which he views as Russia's enemy while also engaged in an actual war), I don't think Michkov would find it that easy to just leave.

    I wasn't trying to be negative or anything. I just think there's other reasons and it's easy to overlook those when the reality of most people's situation is that we live here in the US. So for most it's easy to just say that they change their whole life to move to the other side of the world. I'm not trying to be naive but I just don't see how the government cares that much. Putin certainly likes hockey but doubtful their trying to prevent him from leaving. Otherwise players that have already come over would mention that there were threats to their family members also. Ovi, malkin, kuch, Vasy, kuzi, Panarin, and many others didn't deal with it (maybe they did but are too afraid to say anything). But then again ovi constantly goes back and he's not prevented from coming back. 

    Michkov will come over if he himself wants to. I don't see any real indication that he doesn't want to because he's willing to go to the draft. If the government doesn't want him playing overseas he'll be prevented from going but until that happens I don't see any conspiracy here. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, saskduckfan said:

    You say that yet the rumor coming out is that his father's murder is related to him coming to the NHL. So you say it doesnt happen but it does. And what about the few prospects that have been forced back to Russia for military duty.

    Can you post a source for the rumor? But it's probably just that a rumor. 

  11. 5 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    If he straight up defected?  That would be tough to just say no too because his offensive ceiling is so high. I still take Fantilli but feel slight apprehension 

    This isn't the soviet union. People can move whenever they want. He doesn't have to "defect" at all. I've said it before, I highly doubt the Russian government is trying to keep him from coming over. There maybe pressure from different people/ leagues working on him but I doubt they're seriously threatening his life or his family for that matter. The 90s are over. Crime and gangs have legitimized themselves into government bodies/ structures and likely work like bureaucratic organizations here in the US. Here's the way I see it. It's his family, language, culture, way of life and making big money over there that are the reasons why some people don't want to come over. If European leagues played and payed like they did in the NHL we'd see a lot less people willing to come over. That's just the reality. He'd be a superstar athlete in both places but even Ovi misses home. It's why players like Datsyuk left for the KHL to play out their careers, because like it's special for Tavares to play in Toronto it's the same for those players to play at home. Michkov will have a difficult time learning to adjust to North America especially if his English isn't very good, it's difficult for every player. But they adjust eventually, Teemu did. There's a real human side to the game that gets overlooked sometimes and makes players, especially Russian or other Europeans, seem like they don't care. It's just a different way of looking at things. Not everything is about money, they can make a good amount back home. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 3 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    Go big or go home:

    Zegras - McTavish - Terry

    Henrique - Fantilli - Strome

    Vatrano - (UFA*) - McGinn

    Jones - Carrick - Silfverberg 

    * trade Lundestrom 

    I like this. I had been thinking about what we could look like next year and this is what I think:


    Henrique- Zegras- Terry

    Fantilli- McTavish- Vatrano 

    Jones/Comtois/UFA?- Strome- Nestorenko

    Jones/Comtois/UFA?- Lundestrom- Silfverberg 

    I think we keep our top line from last year as they actually were pretty good together. McT has a year under his belt and Vatrano can shoot so they can get creative. Bottom lines I think are decent. Obviously it would depend on who we get in free agency but this gives us some good scoring ability and if Hank does really well and isn't hurt at the deadline we trade him. I don't think we'll make the playoffs next year. This could set us up to get additional picks from the forwards. Maybe someone takes a shot at Silf to be defensively sound in a 4th line role as well. So yeah, options. 

  13. For me personally my biggest concern with Fantilli is his WJC. I thought they weren't fantastic. Sure he still made good plays but he didn't stand out from his peers as much as I'd hope. Bedard was clearly miles ahead of everyone else. Granted I don't follow prospects much but when I was watching portions of the WJ he didn't stand out for me. 

  14. You know I agree with moose to some extent. Tanking isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure we guaranteed ourselves a top 3 pick but like gorb I believe the lottery isn't rigged so any team moving up could be random. Although, if we're talking conspiracy it is wild that the only team to move up is the hawks who just traded their hall of famers. Eh, it is what it is. We still got a really good draft pick but it's now the second time we moved down so of course it doesn't feel good. I'm still happy though, top three is what we ultimately wanted and ended up with two. I'll take that. 

  15. Of the remaining teams I'd like either the panthers or kraken to win it all. I'd also be fine with NJ. The panthers are absolutely destroying the hopes and dreams of the leafs. Especially if Samsonov goes down then the leafs are done. I could see Florida winning it all. 

  16. 3 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    My first post didn’t make since disregard.


    good morning. Tick Tock Tick Tock, only 56 hrs left on the clock. We are wishing hard for the chance at Bedard. 

    Just had a baby, so rhymes are on the mind. No sleep and excitement of the draft, are a thing to be combined.


    • Like 1
  17. 20 hours ago, Jasoaks said:

    it's crazy to me to see Draisitl dominate like he is....this and last years playoffs....with how many #1 picks the oilers got and it's their #3 pick that's leading in goals and is the best player they drafted besides McDavid.

    Draisitl is SO GOOD

    Where would you guys put him in a 2014 re-draft? Considering there's also Pasta, Shesterkin, Point, and Ritchie

    You just had to include Richie didn't you? 🤣 

    • Haha 2
  18. 36 minutes ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    Al Arbour has passed away, but perhaps Al Iafrate is looking for a job?

    Lol he's saying it's going to be artificial intelligence 🤭

  19. 33 minutes ago, FanSince1993 said:

    Poor goaltending. I keep repeating over and over again: goaltending is critical in the playoff games.

    What? This doesn't make sense. Ullmark is likely the Vezina winner. Are you hearing yourself? Goaltending is always critical and who's had a better overall season than the Vezina winner? Answer: no one. That's why he's the (likely) Vezina winner. In your world every goaltender is garbage because they all have bad games. Kind of a weird way of looking at it but whatever I guess. The only one worth even thinking about is the Stanley Cup winner and you'll never know if you got him or not because they change every year and once they lose the next year they're garbage again. Never ending problem. 

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Fisix said:

    I’m cleaning out the DVR and watched the broadcast of the Arizona game where Z said something that made Stecher lose his Dehydrated Donkey Dung.

    I find myself still wanting to know what Z said to get another NHL player to get that upset. 

    Wasn't it something about his wife? I believe it was mentioned somewhere. 

    • Like 1
  21. 2 hours ago, FanSince1993 said:


    Yesterday Korpisalo reminded me of our legend. But it's not his fault, he can do only so much. Kings had bad defense that let him down. If Kings had a good defensive corps in front of him, he would be one of the best goaltenders in the league.

    Well played. 

    But the Kings also have a better defensive corps than we do so I'm not sure we're comparing apples to apples here. But you can continue to trash Gibby even though most people here have already stated he also has his flaws. No one's letting him off the hook completely. But saying we should dump him and pick up Korpi is just crazy talk. I don't see how he'd be a better option over Gibby besides being cheaper, and likely not by much once he signs that contract. The whole argument for Gibson is this is a TEAM game not individual skill game. I don't care is Hasek was in net for us this season, the team in front of him was playing like trash. But you seem to constantly imply that Gibson is the biggest reason why we're not in the playoffs. 

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