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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 3 hours ago, FanSince1993 said:

    I 90% gave up on our GM after last TDL. The remaining 10% will be evaporated if nothing significant is done by July 6th.

    PV can still be given a free pass but so far some of the things he's done reminds me of bargain Bob. Dumpster diving is a skill the ducks have acquired over the years.... and not a very good one at that. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, tommer-1 said:


    "Well, me and [outgoing general manager David Poile] both have been working the phones trying to do that," Barry Trotz, who takes over as Predators GM on July 1, said Monday. "You have to have the right dance partner if you will. Obviously, everybody has been trying to get into that top four, and it's reasonable that all four of those teams will just stay put. It's a pretty good comfort level for them.

    "I've been trying to make them uncomfortable, but at this point there haven't been any of those trades out there. But we've still got a few days here, so things could change. We've been trying. We've got lots of capital.


    What kind of offer is Trotz making GMPV to make him "uncomfortable" about not moving the #2 OA to NSH?

    What would that proposed package look like?  It would have to start with the 15th and 24th OA, plus, right?

    Oh yeah +++ even next years first would still be +++. 2oa is just too valuable. I'm not sure what it would take to move up that much especially in this year's draft. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, gotchabari said:

    I agree with this to a degree.  Getting NHL time and getting discouraged by handling more than you can is a fine line.  I'm fine with protecting the minutes of the true newborns.

    Exactly. Nothing wrong with a little seasoning. Fowler I think is an example of that. He should have spent more time in the minors developing. Instead he skipped all that and I think he never became the defenseman he could have been. 

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  4. 25 minutes ago, ike8228 said:

    I think Montreal was the last one in what 92-93? Doesn’t matter. It’s been a long time. When was the last Canadian team to even go to the cup finals? Vancouver? In what 13? Either way, it is crazy. Just shows that you don’t need a huge hockey market and generating tons of cash to win. You need a good front office to build a team, a good coach to teach the team, and good leadership to get the players to buy in. 

    No the 2021 Montreal Canadiens were the last time. Corey Perry was a part of those finals. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    Except Theodore was way more valuable than a 2nd round pick, and so were Manson and Vatanen, so Vegas had Murray over a barrel. The problem was that Bieksa couldn't be exposed. 

    In that scenario that bombays posted above where bieksa wanted an additional year in exchange for waiving it. Would you have done that? You're probably right that a 2nd rd pick was too low to get them to bite. Maybe instead of Stoner we offered them an actual player who could play, wasn't Stoner injured? So he was a cap dump at the time. So some player + 2nd to not take Manson or Vatanen. 

    This is all moot though because only like a year later Vatanen got traded which was frustrating because we sent Theo to Vegas and he was pretty good for them too. Bob really tied the teams hands with some of those contracts *cough* Bieksa *cough*...

  6. 49 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    i) One defenseman who is a) under contract in 2017-18 and b) played in 40 or more NHL games the prior season OR played in 70 or more NHL games in the prior two seasons.

    ii) Two forwards who are a) under contract in 2017-18 and b) played in 40 or more NHL games the prior season OR played in 70 or more NHL games in the prior two seasons.

     If they bought out Bieksa I don’t think they would have had a defenseman to who met the 40/70 rule to expose. Holzer and Stoner didn’t meet it. We presumably would have protected Vatanen and Manson while buying out Bieksa and not protecting vermette. Bieksa asked for a year extension to waive his NMC and Murray just made the infamous Theo side deal with Vegas 

    Huh. Interesting. It's 20/20 now but at the time would you have done it? I'm not sure I would have either. I mean Theo wasn't proven and Bieksa wasn't very good either. I wasn't happy that we let Theo go at the time. I'd have rather preferred we sent Vegas a draft pick to take stoner. Maybe like a 2nd or 3rd rd pick and in exchange they pick stoner. 

  7. 7 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Quite a bit if I could get him.  Gotta send some $$$ back, gotta give up a prospect likely, and a pick.

    Lundestrom, one of the kid D not named Zellweger, LaCombe, Helleson or Mintyukov, the 2nd rounder from BOS or COL this year, 3rd rounder from PIT in 2024.

    Something along those lines.  Unless they wanted Rico back for one year, 50% retained, instead of Lundestrom.

    Rico actually would make some sense for NJ. He's a prior playoff hero for them. He's also a pretty good vet and they would need that for the playoffs. Plus for a one year 50% retained contract they wouldn't need to commit a ton of cap and the contract is short term. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Eh, two months in if they are doing the same things they did last season, especially with some new players, I'm gonna see that as a bad sign.


    I personally don't think it's gonna be like that.  I think they will play better hockey.  I think HCGC is gonna:

    1. Dehydrated Donkey Dungcan basically everything they were doing before and implement new systems

    2. find the best pairings (C+W and D+D) for the roster and not worry about what "worked" last season

    3. not have much patience with guys who simply cannot play the way they need to play

    Sure but I think it's been mentioned before that players can take up to 6 months to get used to the systems. 

  9. 4 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    I'm gonna say - for me - it's not gonna take me too long to know if Cronin is the right guy or not.

    If come Thanksgiving they are playing like they have the last few years, I'm not going to lose all hope, but I will have very little hope left.

    Any coach worth a damn can 100% get this team to play better hockey.  If he can't get them to play better, then why is he there?


    My money is on him making a difference.  He may not be the coach to lead them all they way, but I have a feeling he is going to simply demand better play out of them.  Better D coverage, better decisions, better breakouts.  He'll give them the plan, drill it, and then expect them to execute on a nightly basis.

    He doesn't strike me as a guy with idle time on his hands.  And I don't think he is going to accept anything but complete commitment, dedication, and buy-in from his players.


    That alone should make next season more enjoyable to watch.  My God, every frickin' game, down 0-2, 8 minutes in.  What bullDehydrated Donkey Dung that was.

    I think I'll give him a pass until after new years. Systems take some time to get used to and you need every one to buy in for them to work. Besides, we'll also have a decent amount of personnel changes as well so Thanksgiving is pretty early. Probably even by new years is a little early even given the amount of changes. I'm just hopeful we come out playing with some passion again. I hope guys feel rejuvenated and have a little jump in their step. If we're excited with the changes then I'm sure the guys are also excited to see where this goes. October can't come fast enough...

  10. Too bad the panthers lost. I was rooting for them to win it all. But tbh I didn't care very much about this cup finals. I just miss the ducks being in the playoffs. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I don’t know if any of y’all listen to Crash the Pond podcast, but they had Mitch Brown from EP on and he had some really good insights on prospect sun the draft and on our system. 

    Yeah, that was very insightful. It definitely made me feel like we're gonna score big with Fantilli. He also mentioned some ducks prospects that were making some big steps but also said our forward prospects were pretty lackluster in general, which we are already aware of. This makes me think we're going to probably lean more forward heavy this draft, well that and our d prospects are pretty stacked. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    Oh hail yeah

    Oh wow that was pretty hard! Don't know what jack was thinking there, he was almost right in front of him. 

  13. 2 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    I would advise anyone to take the sure thing when the money is that big.

    $64 mil guaranteed?  And you're 22?  Take it. You can most likely make some more at the end of that deal.

    $21 mil right now, and then maybe $70 mil after that?

    Well, if you can make $14 mil in the last 3-4 years of your career, do you want to risk $39 mil guaranteed to maybe make an extra $13 mil?  For some people the answer to that question is "Yes!".

    Me, I'd take the money now and not lose a second of sleep over it.

    Either way you're making big money but you risk a lot more going the bridge deal. The payoff is likely greater but the security an 8 year deal brings its huge though. 

  14. 2 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    He'll be right around 8x$8 mil.  I could see $7.9 - $8.25 mil, but not much higher or lower.

    If he wants a bridge after that offer, he's not interested in staying.  Don't say "No" to $60+ mil guaranteed.


    I think he's getting that offer and taking it.  Many young guys are not bridging - J. Hughes, Q. Hughes, Boldy, Kaprizov, Caufield, Keller, Makar, K. Connor, Fox, Guentzel, McAvoy, Cozens, Suzuki, B. Tkachuk, Stutzle, Norris, Chabot, Sergachev.

    Not all of those are 8-year deals, but none of them are 2-3 year bridge deals. 

    I know wild Bill isn't a great comp for a long term or bridge but I have to wonder if guys also see that they can bet on themselves and lose. That that could also be a real possibility. 

  15. 3 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    He’s one season removed from winning a Jennings trophy and finishing 4th in the Vezina voting. And he just put up a .927 SV% and 1.83GAA in these playoffs. Freddy is still Freddy. He’s just a more fragile version now.

    I know it's difficult to compare goalies across teams but what would Freddie's numbers look like on this team? Wouldn't this also be the second Jennings of his career? He won it with Gibby before. 

  16. 30 minutes ago, dtsdlaw said:

    As long as GMPV is in the business of correcting Bob’s mistakes…Trade Gibson to Carolina and sign Freddy (UFA) to a 2-year contract. Freddy is still good, but he’s breakable so Dostal should get plenty of action. Gibby would look better behind Carolina’s defense too.

    I think keeping Gibby over Freddie was fine. Freddie isn't the game goalie he once was either. But if Gibson is going to move I'd be fine with getting Freddie back. I think Dostal should play 20-30 games next year and if he shows that he's capable of that maybe bump it up to 30-40. But anyone coming in should be the guy that gets the most of the starts. 

  17. 52 minutes ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    One of these days we’ll all grow up and realize Gibson was not that good for us, the last few years. His age doesn’t align with our timeline, he makes way too much money. What happens if he’s bad again next year?  We’ve been playing this game for 4 years now. It’s never gibson’s fault. There’s been a trend with smart teams and that’s not being tied down to bloated goaltender contracts. What I was saying is you could probably find a guy who plays better for like 2-3 million dollars less for much less term. Goalies are weird and tend to be inconsistent. Markstrom had a season so good he convinced Vancouver they were competitors, was terrible, then good, then terrible again. Vasilevsky was a huge reason Tampa lost to Toronto this year. Bob bounces from being one of the worst contracts in the league to elite, carry my team on the back type goaltender. Vegas made it to the Cup finals on the back of Adin Hill. Samsonov gave Toronto good starts and was a waiver claim. My point you decided to completely miss is that almost every year there are goaltenders that over perform expectations, maybe it’s Gibson, but we’ve been waiting for 4 straight years for that to happen and it hasn’t, to the point where his value has tanked, can you imagine if this team moved him 2-3 years ago when it was obvious this team wasn’t going to be good? Not to mention how much better is this team gonna be next year and if the whole reason Gibson is bad, is that the team is bad, okay well we’re still probably gonna be at least a little bad next year, trade him for value while you can. 
    and like others are saying if he requested a trade it’s all moot anyway if he doesn’t want to be here

    What goalie could have actually played here and not tanked his value though? Patrick Roy would have tanked his value here. I'm not saying Gibson is on that level but being a goalie here isn't easy especially thanks to Eakins systems. We've had these debates before and we all understand goalies can get hot or be inconsistent. We've been pretty lucky with our goaltenders overall and hopefully Dostal is the next one in line but I also don't think it's a good idea to throw him in the fire just yet. He needs a full season as backup, that's why Gibson staying another year would be good AND he could very well have better numbers next year if PV actually does something about our defense. 

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  18. 6 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    It appears we are past the point of debate of whether or not to keep Gibson or whether or not he is still a good goalie. It appears he has asked for a trade. It doesn’t matter anymore. If he doesn’t want to be here, he does t want to be here…the conversation should shift to, who can we get, and who should take over?

    I'm looking over his supposed trade request. What I'm saying is he hasn't been as bad as some make him out to be. And if we were to get rid of him and bring in someone else that our goalie numbers would be much worse. Good goalies who would have possibly done better in this team the last few years would either never sign with us to begin with or would ask for more money because they know that they'd tank their value after the contract is done. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but Gibson has posted 4 straight subpar/replacement level goaltending seasons. You have two highly touted goaltender prospects one that has shown he’s ready to get a shot. 6.4 million dollars for 4 years is a lot of money, once those Terry, Zegras and Dryadale extensions come in, cap space will start shrinking. 6.4 million gets you a pretty good player or put it towards someone like Jesper Bratt. Or you can pay a .900 sv% goaltender until he’s 33. 

    I'm not sure if you're aware or not but goalie save percentage has been dropping. Here's the numbers for average save percentage according to statmuse.com compared with Gibson's numbers (I'm not including the 13-14 seasons because Gibson only played 3 games):


    Average .915

    Gibson .914



    Average .915

    Gibson .920



    Average .913

    Gibson .924



    Average .912

    Gibson .926


    2018-19 (first year we don't make the playoffs/ Ducks downfall/ rebuild period begins)

    Average .910

    Gibson .917



    Average .910

    Gibson .904



    Average .908

    Gibson .903



    Average .907

    Gibson .904



    Average .904

    Gibson .899


    Considering our drop off his numbers haven't been that far off just being average. Since 2018-19 we've finished as follows: 24th, 27th, 30th, 23rd and 32nd.

    Here's the problem I see with "just getting an average goaltender and saving money" logic. If Gibson is putting up nearly Average numbers on pretty garbage teams and getting rubber poisoning every night with one of the worst defenses in the NHL, what do you think an average goaltender in the league who likely has average numbers playing for BETTER teams is going to do here? You don't need a PhD in hockey to figure out that it's not going to work out as well as you think it would. If you think we've dropped off hard now, wait till someone Average comes in. We'll be in the lottery again, though to be fair we're also on the up and up so any goalie coming in will (hopefully) have an easier time than Gibson. I'm not sure people are giving him credit for the work he's put in. That said I'm not saying he's perfect either. He has his own faults and needs to be better too. But you're mistaken if you think another goalie is just going to walk in here and be a whole lot better. 

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