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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. You guys are getting it all wrong here... PV says we're going to be better this year and brought in some veteran guys. Verbeek also knows that he wants to tank for cellebrini (or whoever the next rookie sensation is going to be). He goes to Killorn and says 'look let's keep this between you and me. We're going to try to suck again this year. I've already held Zegras and Dryadale out and hopefully drag this on as far as possible. You don't want to play for a garbage team but we can't sit you out for no reason. Let me see those nice cup rings you got there.... oops sorry about the finger I thought that ring comes off easily. Well dang it! Now we gotta sit you out too...' 

    There you go. It's all part of Verbeeks plan to suck again this year all the while telling us he's turning it around. Gibson is already on board too apparently. Just have to work out out with Terry. But don't worry guys! We'll be a .500 team in no time. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    On Perry and Getzlaf's 5 year bridge deals, they got 10.59% each of the cap money. And they had just won a Stanley Cup. Of course Murray needed them. They were just coming off their ELC's like Zegras and Drysdale are now. Plus up to that point, the Ducks drafts had been abysmal. Murray didn't have three defensemen that were tops in their juniors leagues. He didn't have a McTavish or a Carlsson either. Verbeek does have that. So if the tone he wants to set is I have all this money, I have all these assets and I can afford to jettison a couple of young players because they want to be paid, then let him.

    You know who might be available in free agency next off season? Stamkos. Don't be surprised if he's signed to a 5 year $45M contract by Verbeek if he's available.

    I honestly was thinking that Verbeek is trying to create some sort of a Tampa extension. He'd want to sign Stamkos but probably not for 5 years. Tampa is going to trend down while we're (hopefully) trending up. Killorn is already here and Stamkos knows Verbeek from his days in Tampa. But Stamkos is a bit too fragile and probably wouldn't age very well. Though PV is probably watching the situation with him carefully, especially since they haven't extended him and he's been thought of to be one of the players of the cap casualty before. I'd rather take someone younger though. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Spencer_12 said:


    We lucked out and only 2 games this year will be exclusive to ESPN+ and Hulu. 1 game on TNT. 79 games on Bally sports and all will be available in San Diego as well. 

    One benefit to being bad and not expected to do well is ESPN+/Hulu aren’t poaching a bunch of our games and keeping them off local TV. 

    The downside of being bad on the other hand is we get to watch more games where we lose...😥

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  4. 2 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    I'm not listening to the alleged low ball offer either. I'm just saying it's about half way through training camp. The season ended in April. Heck, negotiations could have started before that too unless Brisson wanted to wait until the season ended. Even then, Drysdale's season ended 8 games in last year. It's not like there hasn't been time to agree to something.

    I don't get this either. I understand him needing to get healthy first but you're telling me you couldn't work out a theoretical contract for when he does get healthy? What's up with that? Why wasn't Drysdale signed to a contract during or right after or even before training camp? It's way too long to drag that negotiation out for someone who was done with their season only 8 games in. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    He has back to back 60 point seasons at age 22, so him getting to 70 seems very doable. Other than Terry, no one has shown anything close to that imo

    With Zegras, We are pretty close to erntedankfest

    I think it's possible for him to get to 70-75 points this year. His linemates should be better, the team should be overall better and we have a new coach. 

  6. 51 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    What I'm saying is that his motivation for coming here was money. A lot of money. And he's being paid for what he did. He's not being paid for what he will do in the next 3-4 years. Killorn was fortunate to be on two teams coached by Jon Cooper with players like Stamkos, Hedman and Vasilevskiy. What I meant to say about Kane is that some Anaheim fans don't want him here because of his time with the Blackhawks.

    Killorn wasn't some bystander on two cup winning teams. Maroon has three cups but you do realize the difference in players here right? A fourth line grinder and a top 6 winger are two completely different things. Kessel's career is coming to a close, him and Killorn are obviously at different points in their respective careers. Kessel could barely stay in the lineup last season while Killorn still had a career year. You know exactly why Killorn was paid and why we chose to bring him here and not maroon and Kessel. It's not hard to figure out. But we have to overpay guys to come here because we're a rebuilding team. Just because we over payed for a player doesn't mean we have to overpay everyone else too. Zegras should understand that and I can see Verbeek explaining that reasoning to him. Zegras can ask for the moon doesn't mean he's going to get it. I'm thinking both sides are slowly chipping away at the AAV and will come in around 5.5 to 6.5 mil. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    Killorn isn't a superstar either yet his AAV is $6.25M. He's never had concurrent 60+ point seasons either. He's also 12 years older. So why do you think Zegras deserves less?

    How much money does a 22 year old Zegras need? Wow. 

    Cole Caufield - $62.8M contract

    Mathew Boldy - $49M contract

    Tim Stuzle - $66.8M contract

    Jack Hughes - $64M contract

    Dylan Cozens - $49.7M contract

    The Ducks alleged offer on a 3yr bridge: $9-$12M. So pay him less in three than those guys will make in two?

    Even at three years he makes less than any of them with a $6M AAV. So why do they need so much money?

    Killorn is overpaid. He was overpaid to come here. He's with us because no one wanted to offer him a similar contract with similar term. Otherwise, why would anyone want to come here to a rebuilding team? Besides, Killorn is a two time cup champion. If Zegras gets us to the promised land I don't care if he's paid 12 mil. But he hasn't yet so here we are. Those players all signed long term deals upping the AAV. We don't know what was offered to Zegras on a long term deal but it wasn't 3-4 million. We shouldn't even be in this situation. Verbeek should have offered him an extension before or during the season. He opted to wait until the season was over before starting the negotiations. I think that was a mistake. Zegras would probably sign a bridge in the 3-4 mil range before last season. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, HockeyIzCool said:

    So supposedly the Ducks are not willing to pay ANYWHERE near $8.5 Million, but they would if another team gave him that offer?  That makes no sense.  I realize they're just rumors, but if word is going around that the Ducks are offering less than 1/2 that, why would they even consider matching if someone offered him $8.5M?  Wouldn't they at least be in the same ballpark at this point?

    Yeah but isn't the rumored amount for a bridge deal? If someone offered him a longer contract with higher AAV that would make sense. I'm not sure anyone would give him an 3x8.5 right now because it'd be an overpay and you might not realize the value of that contract. You can't ever tell of course but I don't think Zegras is going to be a 90pt player next season. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    That's one of those argumentation techniques that's designed to present bias.  All of those players were MORE productive than Zegras ("as many or more").  Let's get a little bit more ingenuous with the argument:

    • Four of those guys (Svechnikov, Hughes, Stutzle, and Tkachuk) signed 7- or 8-year deals coming off of their ELC. Those deals averaged just over $8 million per season. Of course, the rumor is that Zegras is going to be a bridge, but we don't know if it's Zegras or Verbeek who wants that.
    • Matthews is not comparable to Zegras.  In terms of draft pedigree and production, he's completely out of Zegras's league.
    • Pettersson is the one guy who signed a true bridge deal.  He signed for $7.35 million for three years after putting up nearly a point per game his first two seasons.  If you scale it down for Zegras's production, you get to $6.2 million per year.  

    As mentioned, it's hard to know how to parse the bridge vs. long-term issue.  Who wants what?  Do the Ducks want short-term?  Or does Zegras?  If the Ducks did a long-term deal for Zegras for $8 million per year, I'd be ok with that.  I think it's a bit high given his deficiencies, but I think it's likely he lives up to or outperforms that deal.

    On a short-term deal, I'd be happy with $6.2 million per year.  That's well above $4 million, so yeah, that offer remains an absurd low-ball.  But if you factor in that Zegras is not as good defensively as Pettersson, something in the $5.5 - $6.0 million range isn't crazy.

    Ah perfect I was just going to look it up myself. Thanks for clarifying who EP40 is lol. I couldn't think of who that was! 

    Yeah I agree Pettersson is likely the closest to Zegras in terms of bridge deals. He's also produced more though so you're right I would put Zegras into that 6.2 mil range as you mentioned. That's likely somewhere the contract will fall because it's less than Terry (for now) and it gives Zegras the opportunity to show that he's worth more on his next contact. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:


    Oh interesting. So only six players have as many or more points in the last 5 years? That's some good company to be in. But outside of Matthews who's a freak of nature and shouldn't be discussed with the likes of Zegras because he's on a much higher level. Who else signed a three year bridge deal? Hughes I know signed for 8 and we know that the more ufa years you eat into the higher the AAV. So I'm not sure we can really compare them this way. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, saskduckfan said:

    No Im not. Im saying there seems to be something going arou d about Verbeek not thinking a winger is worth big money. Im saying Kane, a winger, made $10.5mil per season at the age of 25. Wingers can be paid big bucks in this league too. Not just centers.

    Yeah but don't forget both Kane and Toews came off multiple cups with the hawks. It's why they were paid. Zegras is in a much different position. Zegras is also coming into a team that's been terrible highlighted by terrible coaching. I agree Zegras should be paid. But it's he worth more than 8.5 right now? I'm leaning into the bridge contract camp now. I think his contract, if term is 3 years, is going to end up around 5.5-6 mil per. I think that's fair value for his near term production and Verbeek keeps the contract less than Terry. I'm wondering though, will McT also go the bridge route or cash in? To me he seems like the kind of guy who's going to sign that 8 year contract. Idk why it just seems that way. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, tommer-1 said:


    Ok the uncomfortable thing makes sense now. I like his approach, instill systems and worry about the guys getting into physical shape as they go along and start playing more. Certainly better articulating an approach than Eakins. I'm very hopeful. 

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  13. 5 minutes ago, dtsdlaw said:

    I’m about as concerned about this as Joe Sakic was when he traded Duchene and ROR and let Stastny walk to free agency so that he could build a core around MacKinnon. 

    Zegras is also not “the man”. He’s not even the best player on the team (Terry is) and he might even be the third best center on the team within the next two years. 

    I don't think it's far fetched to think that Zegras is going to be the best player on the team. He might even be better than Terry this year as well. He's got that potential. Just because he hasn't hit that ceiling yet shouldn't be used against him. Players don't age the same and we're also talking about a guy much younger than Terry. We're looking at the future and that future likely shows Zegras being better than Terry. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, hoxxey said:

    Raise your hand if you are excited about the upcoming season?

    I really would like to be but the fact that there is reluctance or just a basic knowledge of "how to sign and manage players" by the GM keeps showing up - it just feels like things are in disarray and I can't imagine being a player on the team.  Got a new coach that know one really knows or has heard of.  Got a GM that is still outside the Honda Center trying to figure out where his keys are and owners that are planning their "look good/feel good Susan" moments for the upcoming season...

    Look what happened across the street - the best player of the decade cleaned out his locker and said "Peace out Bitches - I'm done."  Seems like that could happen here and soon.

    No one wants meddling owners but this management style really sucks with how it relates to me as a fan - I love the Ducks but as every day passes, I'm ready to move on...

    And the worst part is that it seems that we fans who take the time to post our thoughts, ideas and feelings are starting to turn on each other - another sign that things are not good.

    Better days are ahead. It's been a rough patch for sure but I think we'll be exciting soon. We should be much more competitive this season hopefully. Maybe not in the wins column but on the ice for sure. I'm really looking forward to the new coach hopefully we see a jump in the players game. 

  15. 1 hour ago, tommer-1 said:

    But he won't be enough.  Zegras, Carlsson, Terry, McTavish is not enough.  They need at least one more F who can beat NHL goalies going forward.

    Most likely that is gonna be a FA or trade.  Nobody in the system is there.

    Killorn/Strome/Vatrano would be a great 3rd line next (this?) season.  The replacements for Henrique and Silfverberg need to be upgrades, and one of those guys needs to be a goal-scorer (in the vein of DeBrincat, Fiala, Gaudreau, Laine, etc.).

    It's why if there is any scenario where they can get Nylander from TOR, they should pursue it.

    Don't think that's going to happen. Too expensive. It's going to really put a hamper on our salaries. Besides I don't want to go all in on our forwards only. We need defense too otherwise we'll just become Toronto west. 

  16. 14 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    Agree. It was a brand of hockey that I hope gets adapted in SD and Anaheim.

    With Carlsson, he held serve and showed that Anze Kopitar style of play. Watching him just re-hammers the need to bring in at least one if not two actual finishers and scorers to play along side him him, Zegras and Terry in the near future. 

    Don't forget we still have McT. Maybe one of our other prospects turns into something as well. Likely ufa though. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    Keep on flipping it. Neither signing is coming anytime soon. Verbeek is playing hard ball with these two for some reason basically going it's his way or else. Right now, a trade for both of them is getting more likely then signing with the Ducks. And if they do sign, dont expect either to stick around long term. Verbeek made a huge mistake with Drysdale not getting him signed before Sanderson. Just another one of his horrific moves that show he should not be a GM. It's so easy. Drysdale should get $3mil on 2 years just to showcase himself and Zegras 8.5-9mil. He is our best player. But Verbeek thinks otherwise.

    I don't think this is true. Lots of players take a while to sign and stick around with the team. Didn't Nylander in Toronto sign later and hassled with a contract. Well he's still there. Hasn't left yet, hasn't asked to be traded because of the contract issues he had years ago. Not sure why you think the sky is falling. I'll agree with you that Verbeek hasn't been that great. But come on, everything isn't on fire like you're claiming. Calm down, we'll sign the contracts, everyone will forget about what happened until the next contact talks. Then after those are done we forget again, and so on and on and on. Could they be traded? Sure. Can McDavid be traded? Sure. Can the league fall apart tomorrow? Sure. Can we win the presidents trophy this season? Sure. Can we win the cup? Sure. Anything is possible if you just believe. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    I hope you all know that if Zegras signs a contract and comes back, he will be gone as soon as he hits UFA, as long as Verbeek is still here. Zegras may even end up demanding a trade. The reports out there are that he is getting increasingly frustrated with Verbeek and has stated that he cannot understand why Verbeek would open the bank for Troy Terry but he won't do the same for him, even though Zegras is the more skilled and more offensive player. It is sounding more and more like his days in Anaheim may be numbered, even if he signs a new contract. Verbeek's attitude about him not making more then Terry is going to cost this team a really good player and set them back yet again. This should have been an easy negotiation, Terry $7mil, Zegras $8.5mil, Drysdale $3 mil for 2/3 years. Done, all guys signed, move forward. But not with I know nothing about being a GM or building a hockey team Verbeek in charge.

    Why post twice in two comment sections saying the same thing? 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    from 4 days ago

    Doesn't really sound like much at all. Some people might just be more private and felt he was invading their personal space, or maybe he was with some guys. Maybe Johnny is a veteran so he approaches guys like that differently, so with the younger guys Babcock may have been more blunt. Who knows. 

  20. 11 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Carlsson looked good. When he got the corner on the D crossing the blueline they were cooked, he had the upper hand.

    Gaucher likes to hit.  The Ducks need guys like that. 

    Clang played great. Very calm and didn’t overplay things.

    All the D kids looked good. LaCombe, Mintyukov, Zellweger, and Luneau all looked very good. Those four can skate. 

    The whole squad played a physical game, which was good to see. Good start. But since this tournament has started the young Ducks are something like 14-6-2, so, par for the course. 

    I thought Carlsson did a little too much floating and didn't put pressure on guys enough. But you could see the skill and he had that really nice assist. 

    Pitre I thought had a good game. He was finding pucks and getting good chances. 

    Defense was pretty good. I'm really excited for Zelly. His stick work and skating is really fun to watch. He got a little physical at times too so for a smaller player he's not shy about that. If he makes the team he'll be exciting to watch for sure. 

    Mya got lost out there. I was constantly trying to find him to see where he was at. It's still too early to say anything about him though. 

    Great game by the whole team.

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