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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 13 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Not ready to fully judge GMPV when we are not yet 24 months removed from 13 years of a two-time loser at NHL GM (don't come at me with GMBM's "successes", he rode big coattails, and his mistakes far outweighed his successes) and 4 years of a two-time loser at NHL HC.

    Well.... technically it was three.😜

    He may have rode big coattails but we did get close a couple of times I think in the mid 2010's. That Chicago series was widely considered the true Stanley Cup final. I believe even the hawks players mentioned that series as one of the most brutal that they were apart of. BM had plenty of issues though and honestly I'm getting ptsd from some of the moves Verbeek has made. So far it doesn't seem like we really changed GM's. It sort of feels like a continuation but with less drunkenness. 

    But I will say this, though PV is getting his fair share of hate he did get the most expensive player in FA this year and one of the most expensive last year. The problem is that one was terrible for us this past year and the other seems too old. Though still, he's still making pretty big moves in a vacuum. 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    Getzlaf probably had another year left in him but wanted nothing to do with the low quality roster that was being built. Either way you look at it, Verbbek still made the comment of expecting to be .500 or better despite losing a significant amount of skilled players and never replacing them.

    Getzy himself said that had he decided to be traded, or left via ufa, he probably would continue playing because he watched his buddy Perry go on cup runs. All the while we were going nowhere. 

  3. 14 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    They can be and they are. The closest we have to legit NHL forward prospects slated to play in San Diego this coming season are Gaucher and maybe Pastujov, and both of those guys are young and haven't even played a single game of professional hockey yet. Maybe a guy like Regenda could be an option, but it sure seems like Verbeek sees something about his game that he doesn't like for this team's future considering that Regenda turns 24 this December. Regenda's TOI dwindled to 3:42, 9:50, 9:57, and 6:15 in his last four games last season before being sent back to San Diego never to be heard from again.

    I don't think most fans who want to "give the Gulls a chance" realize how little talent we have down there. They're not NHL players.

    And the waiver wire guys were picking up are? I'd rather watch a kid try to stick in the league then these guys. 

  4. 2 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    Which leads me more into that the whole team was buying into a lose last season at all costs mentality. Early in the season Zegras had a shoot out attempt where all he did was skate in and slide a weak backhand at the goalies pad. No fancy moves, no wicked wrist shot. Nothing. Then there was the whole not back checking or knocking guys off the puck. Watch his season two years ago, he was all over in the defensive and offensive zone with stick checks and steipping pucks off guys. Last year none of that, just chirping bad penalties. Something changed in his game from two years ago to last year. Maybe he saw the roster and knew how bad they would be too. Maybe he sees the current roster and knows how bad they will be and doesnt want to play until they drastically improve it, lol. It wasnt that long ago when we were talking about Carlsson playing or some of our young defensive studs. Now it's possibly Harrington again and Kassian with Leason. The Ducks look worse each and every day that passes bit that's Verbeek for you.

    What? You're saying that Zegras intentionally didn't score so the Ducks get a high pick and he loses out on millions of $? Ok sure I guess you can believe in this crazy conspiracy that all the players LOST MONEY. Makes sense for guys to play bad so they could not get another contract in the league too. Makes a lot of sense actually... a lot of non- sense...

    • Confused 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, turnonthejets87 said:

    Nah. I’d sign veterans 100% over giving Gulls any chances that rush their progress.  Let them marinate and grow. 

    I understand not rushing players but at some point you gotta give them chances. How long are these guys going to marinate for? Besides, I can understand letting players cook because you have picked up great talent so you're setting the bar high but that's not what's happening here. The bar is set so low with borderline nhlers it's not helping anyone.

  6. 4 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Again you’re stating that players know everything. They don’t, this is what they’ve been conditioned to feel their entire lives. I’m sure having Des around would’ve been nice in the locker room last season to keep some levity around, but Kassian is a direct contradiction to what this team should be doing, which is seeing the if any of these bubble guys are going to be options for this team moving forward. Kassian just clogs an already full pipeline of boarderline/bad forwards with another bad forward. League is getting to a point where you can’t have a fourth line you play 6 minutes a night so that you can hide Kassian until he can punch someone. Vegas won in big part to their depth players stepping up and contributing meaningful minutes. Kassian is largely a non factor in terms of this team long term, but it makes them less interesting to watch this season if he signs. 

    Being good and being tough don’t have to be exclusive, you can find good players who are big and tough, but I don’t want to imply players who are only tough. 

    Yeah this is my issue as well. We're not loaded with forward talent in San Diego but I'd like to see more of those guys get chances over the likes of Kassian. Besides Kassian isn't much better than a borderline NHL forward anyway. He doesn't move the needle in any direction. Give the Gulls more love, they can't be any worse than these potential pickups. I hope we don't end up signing him. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    Getting Lilegren would be the sweetener for taking on all of Broidie's contract. Toronto wants to keep their picks, even a 3rd round pick.

    The problem I have is if this trade took place today, we would lose a 20+ goal scorer and have yet to signed another 20+ goal scorer in Zegras. If Zegras finally signs before camp then great but who's going to make up for that other 20 goal loss? Leason? McGinn? Jones? Also if we do lose Vatrano and sign Zegras, that's still only 12 forwards on the roster. Is there anyone listed in San Diego that will come up and make up those 20 goals?


    5 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    Again I'm pointing out the fact that he isn't signed. Will he be signed before training camp?

    I understand it's the dead part of the off season. But I don't understand your fascination with them not being signed and 'will they sign?! Will they sign?' 

    They will sign.

    It's not uncommon for players to not be signed yet. Unless you or someone you know has some kind of inside scoop on why they won't sign then calm down. There's nothing to worry about yet. They're gonna sign because they like to be paid and not lose a year for nothing. Deep breaths. Serenity now!

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, Belarus said:

    Interesting.  None of the Golden Knight goalies are in the top 25.  Didn't they win the Stanley Cup last season?

    Good catch. Like Aksun said who cares about fantasy hockey. 

  9. 1 hour ago, perry_mvp said:

    Bob Murray drafted Zegras. Bob Murray had a plan with Zegras. Bob Murray is no longer the GM. Verbeek just drafted Carlsson. So now what? Verbeek has said that Zegras is a candidate for being moved to wing which makes him less valuable as centers make more than wings. So the Verbeek rationale is why pay Zegras more than Terry if they are both wings?

    Now to the bolded. Zegras's two not so great seasons were better than Jack Eichel's first two seasons. Eichel parlayed his not two great seasons into an $80M contract. So where do we go with Zegras? I don't know. He's on the wrong team. His future replacement was just drafted. It doesn't look to me that his best possible future earnings will be with Anaheim.

    Typically yes. But our former Ducks Getzy and Perry say otherwise. Perry was making more and he's a winger. Zegras will be paid what he's worth though PV will probably argue him becoming a winger lowers his value. If he's doing that with Zegras we have a bigger problem with this team and PV needs to go asap because he's hurting the team. It shouldn't matter that they want to move Zegras to the wing he's a center who's being moved to the wing, how is that his fault? 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    How is our defense any better. We've replaced Klingberg with Gudas, so lost the offensive production and replaced with defensive, kind of a wash. Then replaced Kulikov with Hagg big downgrade, brought back Harrington, no improvement, have yet to sign Drysdale but hoping he has improved when he does, and then are going to fill out the roster with White and Vakkininan. Ughh. Now if they dont play and Hagg doesnt play and Lacombe and Helleson are in, yes improved, but there is the opportunity to be worse.

    Isn't the point of the defense to defend first and help on offense second? Keeping the puck out of the net is just as, if not more, important as scoring goals. What good is scoring 5 a game when you give up 6? We couldn't defend to save our life. The defense is better by subtraction. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Fisix said:

    define "new" for me.

    No one really knows what Cronin is capable of. He might be the next Scotty Bowman or the next Eakins. PV doesn't know either though he's hoping he found a really good coach. That's the thing about coaches who were never NHL head coaches, you don't really know how they're going to work at this level unless you give them an opportunity. 

    I'm hoping we have someone competent and not whatever we had for the last 4 years. Though to be fair Eakins started off well. He was refreshing after the RC years but that didn't last. I'm ok giving a guy a chance to show what he's got, we might end up giving him the big break and find a gem at the same time. 

  12. 2 hours ago, saskduckfan said:

    You are correct, the Ducks will improve from 32nd overall to 31st overall. The only note worthy FA signings were Killorn and Gudas. Everyone else will not improve the Ducks at all and are just filler. And they still need to dump Leason.

    I don't think we're going to be in the bottom 3, maybe 27-28th but I'm thinking more like 25-26th. A new coach should hopefully give us a big boost. Our defense is better and our offense should hopefully also be better as the kids grow. Who knows maybe we end up 20-25 even depending on what kind of systems we'll have and how everyone reacts/meshes in the new system. If we end up playing Eakins type hockey sure bottom 3 here we come!

  13. 58 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    Let's get some prognostications in regards to goal production for the coming season.  These are mine:

    30+ goals: Terry (38)

    20-29 goals: Zegras (28), McTavish (26), Killorn (24), Vatrano (23)

    15-19 goals: Strome (19), Henrique (16) (could be lower if he's dealt earlier), Carlsson (15) if he plays in ANA more than 60 games

    8-14 goals: Jones (10), McGinn (10), Fowler (8), Drysdale (10)

    1-7 goals: Carrick, Leason, Silf, Gudas, Lyubushkin, Hagg, Lacombe, Helleson/Mintyukov/Zellweger if one or the other plays at least 15 games in ANA

    Interesting. I think Henrique would be higher as long as he's healthy and he gets traded closer to the deadline. He is after all in a contract year so I'm assuming he's going to try to get as good a contract as he can. I also can't see Drysdale scoring more than Fowler, not after coming back from injury. Perhaps McT has a sophomore slump so his goal total might not be that high. Otherwise looks like a pretty accurate assessment to me. 

    But if we're only looking at your list of goals scored the team would be at 227 without the 1-7 guys. Let's say we get 16 total goals from them it would be 243. That would put us 22nd in the league according to last seasons stats, ahead of the Islanders by 1. Basically we're still looking at a roster in the bottom 3rd of the league in terms of scoring production, aka not good.


    We scored 206 last season so that would be a jump of 37 goals. Pretty disappointing if you ask me. But I don't really see where the goals would come from besides maybe Henrique being better than you're projecting him to be. 

  14. 47 minutes ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    We’ve said the same thing about about an innumerable amounts of pylons this team has employed over the last decade. IL and Robert Hagg suck. They’re not good. They’re inconsequential moves, and serve only to fill out the team and let the kids cook longer. I was just hoping the team would be enjoyable to watch this season, but I guess we’re taking a rain check on that. I get that everybody on this board loves a guy with high hit numbers, all that means to me is he’s playing a lot in his own zone without the puck. Both Lyubushkin and Hagg were solid 7th defensemen, but now they’re going to be playing meaningful minutes this season, so I’m a bit disappointed. 

    I have to admit that I'm not familiar with Lyubushkins game. But I've seen plenty of comments from Toronto fans that said they miss him from the limited amount of games he played for them. Surely he can't be that bad. Sabers fans also are saying they sold low on him. Am I missing something here? He's only signed for one year and likely gets moved at the deadline. He's not going to score a lot but that's not his game. He seems like an upgrade over Benoit, Beaulieu, Shatty, Harrington, etc. 

  15. 5 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    Got a RHD that we knew we needed. compliments of Klingberg




    Yep it's a move everyone pretty much saw coming (getting another D man). I think it's not a bad move. I'm wondering though, do we see him with Fowler like we did with Gudbranson? He's a SAH D man so it could work perhaps. Looks like we have him for the year and if everything works out he's traded at the deadline. 

  16. 35 minutes ago, HockeyIzCool said:

    So we're going to have to wait to retire Getzlaf's #, until Perry finishes mentoring Chicago's new golden boy?

    I wonder if they will consider retiring his number while the hawks and Perry will be in town. That way his buddy is there for the ceremony and it won't feel like something is missing, well... besides them going up together. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    All of this is begging the question.

    • On Lindholm - he could be a #2 d-man, for how long?  Verbeek was handed an expiring asset on a team that was garbage.  He didn't want to commit long years and lots of money to a guy who might not be all that good the next time the team was competitive.  Trading Lindholm was a defensible action.
    • Manson was hurt and ineffective most of the preceding three years with Anaheim.  He was hurt again last year, which was completely foreseeable.  Colorado is already regretting that deal.  Holding up Manson as evidence of poor decision-making doesn't work.
    • Verbeek didn't embrace Eakins.  Verbeek allowed Eakins to coach one more season to facilitate an tank job that resulted in the #2 pick in the draft.  In hindsight, I actually think that was a good move.
    • I'm not saying let's wait until the 24-25 offseason.  I'm saying let's see what the team looks like in January after they've had a couple months to play together under a new coach.  I'm saying let's see how the kids look in San Diego by midseason.  I don't need to see playoffs this year, but I'd like to see significant improvement in the style and quality of play.  If it's not there, I'll question his ability to get the team to Cup contender status.  But I also have to acknowledge that Verbeek, as with Yzerman, is taking the patient approach.  That approach might not work, as it has not worked to this point for Yzerman, but we might have to wait a little bit longer than we wanted.


    The number 2 pick is great sure but we should have moved on from Eakins. We don't really know what kind on damage that did to the franchise. We might be able to get guys to come here in FA. Or maybe we're no longer on guys no trade lists. Who knows. He was a terrible coach and it was pretty obvious. Instead Verbeek decided to extend his tenure here by another year. We became the laughing stock of the NHL. Had multiple historically bad years (worst PP, worst shots against, etc) and I still don't understand Eakins fascination with having Grant and DeLo shut down opposing teams top lines. I'm just waiting to see what our new coach looks like. I'm willing to overlook all the other moves PV has made as long as the coach is legit. 

  18. 12 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Ducks just signed Alex Stalock there’s that veteran backup we were talking about 

    Why didn't we try to resign Stolarz? Yeah he's more expensive but he's also much younger. I thought he played well for us. Whatever I guess. Their names kind of sound the same so maybe Verbeek thought no one would notice....😒

    • Haha 2
  19. 2 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    I guess maybe the Ducks should have gotten a second opinion from Matt Murrays doctor...LOL. Perry was a little different. He didn't want to be part of the Bob Murray "rebuild". Honest question because I don't know: if Silf retired would he be paid the last year of his contract? If he's bought out, we'll know in the next few days.

    If he retires he gets zero. Honestly even if he's cleared to play the blood clot issue is serious enough that he can be LTIRed for the rest of his contract. I don't think the league would have an issue with that. No one wants to see players get seriously injured. It's really unfortunate but there's likely greater than 50% chance he doesn't return. Besides the team isn't going to win the cup why not just call it a career on LTIR.

  20. 5 hours ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    Get this kid back to California, Beeker.

    Zegras isn't the typical hockey player personality. He's not only saying hockey quotes but he's very open about the way he says things. It's refreshing. I also like him working with Kreider. He said he's getting pointers on tipping the puck so here's hoping he becomes the next pavelski. 

    • Like 3
  21. 7 hours ago, Fisix said:

    just going to be precise here:

    each side shows up with a brief that states their desired number, argues for their number, and provides supporting evidence for their number, and the supporting evidence can include a set of comparables (among other things) that they argue apply to this player for these reasons.  the comparables themselves are facts - players names, stats, and contracts, but the window of time in which to view each comparable is variable (and part of the argument).  everything else is argument - why this comparable is appropriate for this player under these circumstances.  there are a few types of info that are inadmissible or at least not supposed to impact the arbitrator's decision, but lots of stuff can be snuck in, in the form of arguments about comparables and circumstances.

    anyway, my point is that the arbitrator makes their decision based on the facts and arguments as submitted by both sides.  the arbitrator can't go to capfriendly and find their own set of comparables (their own set of facts).  most arbitrators don't even have to follow legal precedent (if there is even such a thing in salary arbitrations), but they do have to limit their analysis to the facts presented to them, and not facts they might dig up themselves. 

    maybe a little closer to what you said - the arbitrator CAN disregard certain facts submitted to it, so in essence it can select which comparables it will consider in its decision (e.g., which are more credible), but they don't have to be super detailed in their decision, and if they do expressly disregard some evidence they generally have to base the disregard on some kind of reasoning - if arbitrators are too arbitrary in their decision, they don't get asked back. 

    arbitrators that split the baby aren't taking much of a risk, career wise.  

    now, each side can also provide counterarguments to the other side's contentions, and each side can even counter the other side's facts with updated facts of their own.  so, if side 1 submits a comparable that only shows a year of similar stats, the other side can counter with the comparable player's full contract and stat history to show that the player had a more complex history that was tied to their contract value, at that time.  each side's preparation and organization matters - the side that gets the most relevant facts and counterarguments in front of the arbitrator has the best chance to win over the arbitrator... except that based on all available results, most arbitrators apparently feel perfectly comfortable simply splitting the two submitted numbers and letting the sides figure out how they feel about each other next year (or after two years).  maybe if one side is particularly weak, the arbitrator ends up splitting the number closer to the other side, but that's exceedingly rare.

    shrug.  i found what i would need to make a straight faced argument for $4.5M in a salary arbitration, and i wouldn't have even had to put anything nasty into the arbitration brief.  that's more than sufficient to show up Wed. expecting an arbitration decision close to $6.25M.

    Ok so Terry likely saw the writing on the wall that he was going to get a split decision and signed a contract that was going to give him stability while also giving him $$. I'm still not a fan of the way PV went about this whole process so does the way Verbeek do things affect the way Zegras signs? Like is Verbeek also low balling Zegras in the hopes that he lowers his ask? I understand the way negotiations are don't but if he's indeed doing this to everyone, wouldn't that rub players the wrong way?

    Maybe I'm just worrying too much about the way he does things. 

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