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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. I'm sorry but I just can't defend this pick up. He's got three more years on his contract! We're likely stuck with him for the duration of the year at a minimum. Why pick up fourth liners with three years left on their contracts? He seems like a worse player than Grant and we finally shed his salary that everyone was up in arms about. I'm not liking Verbeek very much. I agree with perry_mvp, we could have brought up guys. No way he's someone who could beat out those guys for spots and he's more expensive AND he's got a three year contract to boot! What in the world is PV doing?!

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  2. 1 hour ago, hoxxey said:

    Ask the GM- he will say he’s “excited” and the players are “excited” and ownership is “excited” because this is an exciting time of the year and it’s a process…

    Sound familiar? 

    As for the team I think they are going to look about the same- because nothing has really changed - low budget, indifferent ownership and no real interest or attempt to change the course toward success- we fans tend to dwell on the stuff that isn’t working but there’s nothing that shows any reason to expect change (improvement).

    31st or 32nd. No first pick in the next draft either… or ever…

    Actually something pretty big has changed and that's the coaching staff. Whether or not we see Eakins 2.0 remains to be seen but I'd say that change alone is a pretty big one. Some player turn over and hopefully that's more addition by subtraction. Additional growth from the young guys. There's changes happening but it's not enough to compete with a wild card obviously. I'm not that down on the team but I'm already lowering my expectations for the season. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, FanSince1993 said:

    Well, he claimed Lassi Thompson off waivers, a week later he waived him, traded for Andrew Agozzino, waived him, signed Alex Stalock this summer and waived him....

    Some fans on this forum (Gorbachav55 and others) believe that Verbeek "has a plan". Does he?

    I mean those are whatever signings. Dostal might be ready to be in the NHL so that's a good sign. Thompson brought in a little extra competition to the room. But yeah whatever. I don't think this is his plan though. But I am tired of these nothing dumpster diving tactics that we've apparently inherited from Bob. 

    • Confused 2
  4. 39 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    CapFriendly has Luneau and Minty on the NHL roster. Also Groulx is on the roster. Zellweger assigned to SD is kind of a bummer.

    Zellweger is a bummer but not totally unexpected. Minty has definitely deserved his stay. What are the odds they get switched for 9 games? I think it's going to happen. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    You forgot about Troy Terry. It's the last year of Henrique and Silfverberg. Some the guys that were involved in the sucking are gone: Shattenkirk, Steel, Comtois. The biggest reason for the sucking, Dallas Eakins, is gone. Verbeek wants a big return for Gibson. Blame him if no one wants to pay that price. The team is going to out right suck again this year.

    Agree 1000%. Eakins in my opinion was the biggest problem and the guy most responsible for our sucking the last few seasons. Again, if the team really liked Eakins and he was let go this should have been another kick in the pants but the team so far hasn't responded this way. How many times are we going to kick them? 

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Those were not any kind of shake up. Those were obvious “move ons”. Those guys were not gonna re-sign here, they were not looked at as pieces needed moving forward in a rebuild. 

    I’m talking about moving on from guys that you’ve decided in the past to keep, because status quo is no longer good enough. Fowler, Gibson, Henrique are the main 3 guys.

    Those moves are not made to blame the guy being moved. That’s not why they are made. They are made to let everyone know “What is going on right now is not cutting it”.

    Fowler and Gibson are the two prime candidates. If they are still bad at Thanksgiving, find a deal, even if it is not a “good” deal for you. See if you can get them to a better team, see if you can wake up the room. Kinda like pulling the goalie. May not be his fault, but the team is asleep and you have to do something to wake them up. 

    Agree somewhat but I still see it from a different perspective. If the guys leaving (as you say they wouldn't sign) didn't already give the rest of the team a kick in the pants moving these others isn't going to do that either. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Belarus said:

    Groan...  Time for my wildly inaccurate yearly guess.  Hmm...

    3-5-2 for the first 10 games.

    82 points.  25th in the NHL.

    I think if we got into the 80-85 pts range that would be great! But given the sad state of our preseason games and lack of general good play overall I'm probably going to temper my prediction to 70-75 pts. I'm still hopeful the new coaching staff can whip these guys into shape but I'm not a confident anymore. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    Shorten what list?  If they are still struggling, those guys will be the only guys involved in yet a 5th straight year of struggling. 

    It’s none of their “faults”. But especially in the cases of Gibson, Fowler, Henrique, and Silfverberg, those are guys you are counting on to lead you to success, on the ice, in the room. Leadership positions. Again, if they start a 5th straight year scuffling - or outright sucking - with those guys in those positions, make a change or two. Shake things up. 

    You don’t see that?

    We've already been "shaking things up" over the years though. Manson, Lindholm and Rakell are no longer here for example. Those are pretty big pieces on our team. Silfverberg has been hurt a lot the past couple seasons. Lundestrom is currently injured. Carrick is a fourth liner and so is Jones currently. That only leaves Gibson, Fowler and Henrique. I don't think either of the last two have been bad the last couple of years either. Leaving Gibson who admittedly is no longer as good as he once was. But he's taking record amounts of shots and basically trying to stop cross crease passes all day long. The problem isn't on an individual level anymore in my opinion but rather the team is suffering from some kind of losing mentality. I'm also not willing to give PV a pass this year unless half the team goes down with injuries. This is his team and some of his moves are questionable. If we continue to play goalie target practice by new years I don't think it's on the players anymore. Theres only a few left like you said but I'm not sure that makes any difference. 

  9. 36 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:


    Who are the common denominators to the last 4 years of losing that have been here for the entire 4 years?









    Shake it up.  Not at the trade deadline or in the off-season. Give it a month or two and if things aren’t going in the right direction change it up. 

    Why did you shorten the list? Guys who we actually let go? We could be losing 5 years from now and Jones is on this team and you'd say he's the problem? Sounds kind of convenient in the point you're trying to make. Because we've already let go of a lot of guys. The problem isn't only in those guys who are left. If we lose a lot of games, like a lot of games, wouldn't that be more on the coach/gm? It's still preseason but looks like we're in for a nasty ride this year again. I personally would consider it a failure on Verbeek if we don't make significant progress this year. Should be enough excuses after 1.5 seasons. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    Drysdale was making a typical defensive play defensemen make. Just got hit at the wrong angle. I would be more worried about Leo getting knee on knee contact. Problem with playing sheltered minutes is that he needs plenty of time on the ice to get better. He's close though. He's looking much better than Byfield has.

    I was going to ask everyone if they felt this too. Byfield is a former 2nd (?) overall pick and now we have Carlsson. Carlsson is very raw still and hasn't played in the NHL (duh) but he seems like he might be surpassing Byfield pretty soon here. I think Carlsson is going to be better than Byfield. Anyone else think this way? Or am I just over valuing our guy?

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    So, if my math is right, they have 18 F's - counting Killorn and Lundestrom, so they need to get down to 15 (13 skaters and the two IR guys).

    DeLeo, Kassian, Agozzino.  Done.

    Carlsson, Carrick, Groulx, Henrique, Jones, Leason, McGinn, McTavish, Silf, Strome, Terry, Vatrano, Zegras

    Get on with it.  Let's see the Opening Night Lineup, minus one or two guys, tomorrow and Saturday.

    Aren't the senators still over the cap and need to sign pinto? We did end up getting one of their guys. Could that be part of some kind of ploy for a trade? Realistically who could we add that would actually help us?

  12. 3 minutes ago, MooseDuck said:

    Personally I am taking a wait and see approach....VERY FIRED UP for Ducks 30th Anniversary Historic Season.....Can't wait for the Ducks to be unleashed........IF you ask me I expect some improvements once the Puck Drop. FYI to all I am going to FLY out to Anaheim this Month to soak in the Atmosphere and embrace the Celebration of 30 Years of Ducks Hockey.

    DuckPride 4ever


    Oh nice! Hope you have a good time! Wish I could see a Ducks game live. 

    • Like 1
  13. Drysdale started his nhl career earlier because the Ducks decided it was better to have him in the lineup when his junior league shut down. Now he's upset that he didn't get to play in two extra games? What about his early start? It's very likely he would have gone back to juniors if he was able to. This Isn't good for anyone. He needs to sign a one year contract and play. He'll have no arbitration rights next year either but show us what you can do. It sucks that he won't have any leverage again but with a good year I don't think Verbeek is going to say "well you're only good enough for league minimum". 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, dtsdlaw said:

    No I’d put Zegras back at center after Carlsson was loaned back to Sweden. Rico - McT - Terry and Killorn - Zegras -Strome. I just want to see the Big 3 together to start the season. 

    Interesting. Are you rating McT higher on the depth chart than Zegras? Wouldn't it be better to keep z and Terry together though since they already have chemistry?

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, HockeyIzCool said:

    Do you realize that if Drysdale had been able to play in the last couple of games, he might have helped the Ducks win those games, and then they would have ended up in the 3rd slot.

    Of course, it wouldn't have mattered, because they still would have ended up with Carlsson, and Chicago would have only had to leap over 1 team instead of 2.

    I thought the rumor was that the jackets wanted to move up to get Carlsson? We didn't want to do that because we apparently wanted Carlsson ourselves. 

  16. 1 hour ago, tommer-1 said:

    Drysdale is just piddleed because the whopper Sanderson contract could have been used by his side, and an arbitrator, to get him overpaid.

    Wasn't the Sanderson contact signed after all the arbitration cases were already held?

    I mentioned before that I thought Zegras would sign somewhere between 5.5 and 6 mil. That's about where I thought he'd be although I thought he might be able to get closer to 6 or just above that. It's kind of surprising but Zegras needs to get on the ice and prove himself for the next contact so the sooner he starts the better for him. 

  17. 1 hour ago, ike8228 said:

    Henrique I would guess

    That would be my guess as well. You don't throw a rookie into the fire like that. Likely Rico would be #1 and then I could see Carlsson at #2 but likely they would limit his ice time more to a #3. McT would probably be the #2. Perhaps they start Carlsson on wing rather than center to ease him into the lineup. 

  18. Just now, perry_mvp said:

    That was the point of drafting him. To replace Zegras as the #1 C.

    Sure but he's not there yet. I wouldn't place him higher than Henrique or Strome for the center position at this time for that matter. He for sure will pass a lot of those guys soon but you can't have him as the #1 center yet. I don't think McDavid was the #1 right out the gate either. 

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  19. 13 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:










    Don't think Carlsson is going to be the top center certainly not over McT at this point. 

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