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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 2 hours ago, yeaitsme said:

    Watching Getzlaf completely take over a game many times throughout the years, is what ill always remember when people bring him up. Guy had a switch, and when he turned it on, he was unstoppable. Willing the team Single handed to many wins. He's won & at every level . 1000 points, 1000
    games, 2 Olympic golds, world junior gold, Stanley Cup champion, World Cup gold. Easy HOF induction
    Love you Getz, glad to call you our captain and my favorite player all of these years. Your jersey will be up in the rafters in no time. Good luck with the retirement, you will be missed.

    Id personally rather see both 15 and 10 lifted up together. 

  2. 1 hour ago, tommer-1 said:

    I think the CF calculator is very accurate.  Most likely not precise, and again, individuals can help their tax situations, but as far as determining what money is being held back on each paycheck, I think it's really close to actual.

    Ah that makes sense. Sorry I must have been writing that post at the time you posted yours so I didn't see it. You're right that it's taking a generalization of the population and individual taxes and brackets would vary as would guys salaries who make minimum salary in the nhl vs guys who make 10 mil +. Idk I still think it's probably closer than the 3.9 mil difference over the course of 8 years. It's still probably significant because you're right the CF site is probably fairly accurate. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    Yeah, look on this chart.  You can search for any player and see what their income/income tax situation is in their current situation or with any other team.



    In Lindholm's case, at the same salary starting next season, he would take home about $494,748 less in CA than he will in MA.  So over 8 years it's around $3.8 - $3.9 mil.

    That chart has his salary at $6.75 mil, which I don't get.  His AAV is $6.5 mil, and next season his salary will be $7.25 mil.  Regardless, the point is he takes home quite a bit more money in MA as opposed to CA.

    MA total income tax - 38.93% Federal, 5.1% State.

    CA total income tax - 38.93% Federal, 12.93% State

    That's interesting. But from what I can tell the cap friendly link doesn't account for all taxes and neither does that wallet hub link you provided earlier. Because on CF cali taxes are 12.93 and WH shows 9.72 then Mass taxes are CF 5.1 and WH is 8.8. So this means one is taking into account more taxes in Cali and less taxes in Mass. When comparing the two sites it becomes obvious that this isn't the whole picture. So let's say CF forgot to include other taxes and we bring that number up from 5.1 to 8.8 it would already make a huge difference. We don't know what the breakdown is because I'm not seeing where they get it from. 


    One issue I have is the 'Property Tax as a Share of Personal Income' on wallet hub. 

    If your overall income is high and property taxes are based on home cost then can vary greatly from one individual to another. 

  4. 28 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    No, I get that point.  He was traded.  But when he was, some people were saying that Verbeek should have given him that same deal.

    And my only point was, if both identical deals were on the table (BOS and ANA), the BOS deal was more appealing because:

    1. They are currently a playoff team, and the Ducks are not. And that may be the case for a couple of more seasons.

    2. In BOS, Lindholm keeps an additional $3.9 mil over 8 years, just in saved income tax.

    Can you explain this. As I've said earlier I'm not getting this figure. 

  5. 7 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    You guys seem to have entirely missed the point.

    It all started with Lindholm and the hypothetical "pay him what BOS paid him!"  Verbeek wasn't going to do that, but if he had, then Lindholm would have had to make some decisions based on his familiarity with his current organization, how well he liked the coach and GM, the fact that his buddy was getting shipped out, and the fact that it would "cost" him $3.9 mil to play in CA as opposed to MA.

    Well, his chances of winning and having success in BOS are much greater than in ANA, AND he gets to keep a ton more money - just under $4 mil over 8 years IF he had been offered that same contract by the Ducks.

    State tax rates are not the only deciding factor, like I have stated in previous posts.  But they ARE a factor, particularly if most everything else - chances of winning, future, organization, etc. - is close to equal.

    Any agent who has offers on the table from teams from CA, TX, FL, TN, and OTT, let's say, is gonna look at all the factors - especially pay.  And how much their client will pay in state income tax is going to be a consideration, maybe minor, maybe not so minor.

    But I would be baffled as to why any player or agent would ignore it.


    In the Ducks current situation, they don't really have anything to offer an UFA other than "weather" and "playing time". Maybe "chance to be part of something special, as we go from outhouse to penthouse?"

    And more $$$ if they outbid everyone else. And by outbid I mean pay them more than they could TAKE HOME in any other location.

    I'm not sure I understand here. Based on that link you provided Cali has a 'total tax burden' of 9.72%. Massachusetts has 8.8%. That's a difference of .92% or less than 1%. How are you coming up with 3.9 mil? Maybe I'm not understanding something here but a one percent difference in taxes for say a 6.5 mil salary is only 65000. And if you factor in a .92% rate that would be 59800. 

    I'm scratching my head here. What did I not understand? I thought I said that taxes pretty much even out. And if that WAS so important we'd see Nashville as the top destination. Again, I'm not understanding what I'm missing. I agree those other points you mentioned are important if not more important than taxes. 

  6. 1 hour ago, tommer-1 said:


    No. You pay the vast majority of taxes on your income, if you are being paid on a W-2.  Not property taxes and not sales tax.




    And when you make $6 - $20 million annually (like athletes) in income - and athletes are W-2'd for all of it - state income tax % matters.

    Their endorsement money and investment income, those are somewhat different in terms of how they handle taxes.  But their salary from the team is all taxed as income.

    The Feds are getting 39% no matter what state you live in.  Then it goes anywhere from 0% (FL, NV, TN, TX, WA) - 12.9% (CA) , not counting Canada.

    From that link Cali teams come after the new York teams, Minnesota and New Jersey. Nashville would be the top destination because of their low taxes. Close behind the Cali teams are Chicago and the Caps (Maryland). So going based off this list I don't think the taxes play that much into decision making as basically a lot of the major teams have high taxes. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Fisix said:

    They only get concerned when someone advises them to be, and it’s often tied to a team that wants them. Or an agent that wants to charge them for tax advice (that’s 50-50 bad or costs as much as just paying the tax directly).

    a good tax attorney can get you a bit extra short term leverage to help make an investment work OR help you structure your wealth so that your kids or a charity gets more, and more quickly, upon your death.  The difference in state taxes across the US is manageable down to very small annual net take home differences, with some flexibility. A player that makes team decisions primarily based on tax rates is being advised poorly.

    CA has high income tax rates because their property tax rates are so low. TX has relatively low income tax rates because they can make it up with their property tax income… and because not as many people want to live there (relatively low infrastructure investment).

    I’ll have to research FL a bit, but my guess is that property tax rates there are relatively high. If I had any desire to live in FL, I’d be a bit worried about rising sea levels (as I would be in Coronado, San Diego).  I’d love to be closer to Cape Canaveral, but there are other aspects of FL that preclude me wanting to live there, in general.

    Same with Boston/MA.  If their income tax rates are relatively low, then I bet their property tax rates are relatively high.

    I should add that anyone with income in the 10s of millions that isn’t investing in real estate should probably be worried about more personal finance issues than just state income tax differences within the US.

    Right, each state has to make up the money in taxes one way or another. Washington (where the kraken play) has no state income tax but has a sales tax to largely make up the difference alongside other taxes. While their next door neighbor Oregon has an income tax but no sales tax. States will get money one way or another. 

    There are probably still benefits to living in one state versus another but they become a lot less than you would think. 

  8. 12 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    You realize how much all these athletes pay in taxes, yeah?  In even "great" tax states?  Like in the example above, in Lindholm's case, over $500,000.00 a month during the season.

    Everybody is always free to give more of their money to the government, if they'd like.  They won't stop you.


    I'm sure there's ways to invest without giving away the money. I'm sure the players here have that figured out. 

  9. I'm not so sure. Perhaps it's not a ducks player? It could be Anatoli Fedotov but the second letter doesn't look right. The T could stand for Tolik which would be a way to call someone who's name is Anatoli but the second one doesn't make sense. 

  10. 4 hours ago, WolfgangDuck said:

    you're right he wanted to stay in Anaheim.   Sometimes you have to take off the "home-er" glasses.


    The 28-year-old defenseman met with Boston reporters for the first time Sunday in a Zoom video call. He explained why signing a lengthy extension with the Bruins was the right decision for him.

    "For me, that was a tough decision, Lindholm said. "It's not easy to extend your career that long in a place you haven't lived. But for me, I go on a (gut) feeling, and the team itself is a great team and they always have -- Boston as a city and a team always has that winning mindset. They find ways to get in the mix.

    "That's somewhere I always want to be. I love playing in the playoffs. I've missed it the last few years (in Anaheim). 


    He spoke at length about his emotions upon joining his new team.

    “I felt good. I love that feeling,” Lindholm said. “A little butterflies, a little nervous getting out there. That’s why you play the game. The fans here are unbelievable. I have to say thank you to them for supporting the whole game. It was so loud out there. It makes it more fun to play.

    This is all meaningless. What it's he supposed to say?

    "I mean Anaheim was better but Boston gave me term so I decided I'd like a longer contract. I'm sad to say goodbye to my old teammates because they were the best. It's going to be hard to replace them but Marchand has been nice to me so far I guess. I've been losing a lot of sleep because of the time difference so I've been grumpy lately. Oh well, I'll get used to it here eventually. Weather sucks so far, when will I be able to get the flip flops out? Oh I won't?! Why did I sign here then?"

    And every Ducks fan said "I told you so!" before getting a kiss from the fairy godmother and falling asleep....

    • Like 4
  11. I still don't agree that another team can't be given permission to talk to your player if the players team allows it. Look I saw what was posted per the CBA. I don't fully understand it, I'm not going to hide that. But if these things happen then why isn't the NHLPA or the league itself not crying fowl when it does happen? I mean we read about it in the news that players team A allows the players agent to talk with team B. If that was tampering why aren't teams fined then? Which leads me to believe that the CBA isn't explicitly preventing this from happening. Otherwise if I'm a GM and see that happening I'm probably going to try to get this blown up so they lose picks and get fined, no? 

  12. 3 hours ago, tommer-1 said:


    The first rule of NHL free agency is you do not tamper with free agents. The second rule of NHL free agency is YOU DO NOT sign Russian goalies to $51 million deals. The third rule is also no tampering.

    The NHL has strict rules about tampering, so teams are absolutely forbidden to speak to or even about any free agents (other than their own) until noon EST on July 1. This isn’t like the NBA, where you get a window to negotiate before contracts can be officially signed. No contact between a team and players of any kind is allowed — if you want to so much as say “hello” to a pending free agent, you have to work out a trade with the team that owns his rights.

    The rules are so strict that in 2009, the Maple Leafs were found guilty of tampering and fined simply because then-coach Ron Wilson told a radio station that yes, they might be interested in talking to the Sedin brothers when free agency opened the next day. The Canucks immediately complained and demanded that a penalty be assessed, because they’re Canucks and that’s all they know how to do.


    There may be some behind the scenes "illegal" stuff, but you cannot talk to a player under contract with another team.  You have to first:

    1. Sign them to a contract

    2. Let them hit FA status

    Doesn't mean Verbeek didn't have discussions with BOS and/or Lindholm's camp about what an extension would look like, but strictly speaking BOS CANNOT talk to Lindholm's camp until he is their player.

    This isn't totally true though. The Ducks can absolutely let another team talk to Lindholm directly to discuss a possible signing. That way if they agree to a contract in principle they can ask for more in a trade.

    For example, a team wants to trade for a player and it's expensive. They also want to make sure that after trading for him he doesn't just leave via FA after the season is over. So they work out a deal with the players team to discuss the possibility they would sign an extension or not. It's not totally forbidden as long as that players team allows you to. 

    • Like 1
  13. 52 minutes ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Except he didn’t have to lose a top pairing defensemen. He traded Theo to protect Vatanen and Manson, he then traded Vats for Rico, which I think is actually one of Murray’s only good trades, but it shallowed the defensive core. Theo is leaps and bounds better than both Manson and Vatanen. So it exemplifies that Murray didn’t properly assess talent and overestimated his cores ability which lead him to get rid of what would have been our best defensemen. I disagree that I’m wrong. Just because every other GM did something stupid, doesn’t absolve Murray wrong doing. 

    Theo was not a top pairing defenseman for the ducks. At the time Manson, Lindholm, Fowler and Vats were the better d men. I'm not defending BM but hindsight is everything in this scenario. He absolutely decimated our D corps. We gave up on Theo too soon. But it was the ED and we were going to lose a top 4 defenseman so we decided to trade out Theo. I mean in hindsight Bob probably wants to trade someone else instead of Theo but again this is all hindsight. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    I think it’s easier to replace Rakell’s production, ZAR and Simon make the forward group deeper and I was super impressed with Mayhew last night. I know some disagree, but I think our bottom six priar to the deadline was awful. Lundestrom has been miscast as a shutdown guy, Silf has been struggling to get back to speed, Grant and Des are black holes. Acquiring guys who can give you quality minutes deep in your line up is great and I think the forward group is better for it. I think the blue line took a hit, and it’s possible that Vaakanainen softens it. Team definitely needs a top 4 RHD to really round it out. 

    Fowler - Drysdale 

    Vaakaneinen - 
    Benoit - Shattenkirk 

    it’s not sexy, but I think it’s competent. Definitely need that RHD to round things out. 

    Milano - Zegras - 
    Comtois - Getzlaf - Terry 

    Simon - Lundestrom- Silfverberg  

    ZAR - Carrick - Mayhew


    imo that’s a pretty solid line up when healthy. Might be forgetting people, but it’s wary and this is off the top of the dome. 

    Multi goal scorer Grantzlaf says hello as does Minnesota Wild Superstar Delo....

    Also also Grant was a few inches from a hat trick. 

    Joking aside, I think Grant actually has some offense to offer and can make pretty slick passes that few of his team mates can bury *cough Comtois cough*. There's a reason we nicknamed him the Grantzlaf on these boards. He's not great all around but what do we expect from fourth liners who play nearly second line minutes because DE thinks it's a good idea. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, DuckFan4Life said:

    I keep in mind that Bruce said BM made the decisions as to who played and how much. I also consider the fact that BM was reportedly difficult to work for. I think Eakins deserves a year with a new GM. Just my opinion.

    Nope. No thank you. We've been under Verbeek for several weeks and no improvement. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Fisix said:

    If that’s an accurate and actual quote, then Hampus is an idiot. 

    I think what he meant was he was being offered a higher aav over a shorter term. But he gets job security for the extra years and probably knows that there is a possibility that he gets injured. So he makes a pretty smart decision for himself. I can't fault him for that. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 hour ago, dtsdlaw said:

    lol. Who’s “we”? I’ve been arguing all along that the comps for Lindholm were the likes of Parayko, Puloch, Ekholm, and yes, Cam Fowler.

    Its ridiculous that he’s now gone because the organization wasn’t willing to match Fowler’s contract for Lindholm.

    Well I wasn't saying it lol.  This was after the Seth Jones signing I think. 

    Yeah I would have to think that the dollars weren't the issue here. It was all about term because I would have thought we could have gone as high as 7.5 even to keep him. But in the end it's probably a very good move not to sign him to that long plus I feel like we did very well in this trade. I'm pretty excited to see what the Beek will do with all the picks we got. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Sexlaf15 said:

    Really interested to see what Verbeek can do here. Ducks have two distinct teams. Their top 6, which when healthy is among the best in the league. And their absolute tire fire, bottom six. 

    Lol Tampa's top line in Perry-Maroon- Bellmare? Well I mean 200 minutes played together so their top six guys are injured often. But that's pretty funny. 

  19. 2 hours ago, HockeyIzCool said:

    My prediction is a 2nd Round pick, which will be in the later part of the round, since it's coming from a Playoff bound team, along with a Grade B prospect, who may make the NHL club simply because our roster is not deep enough.


    But it doesn't have to be. We could do a sign and trade sort of deal or a handshake agreement that once traded he signs. 

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