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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 1 hour ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I guess it comes down to who the players are. I like the idea of adding Dylan Strome, Burakovsky, Neiderreiter or an Ethan Bear type (in a trade). The Ducks are adding talent to this roster tomorrow but they aren’t dropping any crazy money or trading any high value assets, imo. 
    It’s not even about tanking now unless Gibson does get traded. The Ducks have too many holes that can’t be addressed in time to prevent them from being very bad next year. If they are bad then that’s absolutely fine.

    Hopefully. And I REALLY hope PV doesn't follow in the footsteps of Bob the 'king of the bargain bin' Murray. Let's hope for an exciting FA for the ducks but not mortgage our future. 

  2. 10 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    4 years @ $8 MM per?  Maybe.  Takes him to almost 40 - retirement age, Rico and Silf are probably off the books in a year, or two, The Shatt and Grant will be off after this year, He'd get as many minutes as he wants, be good on the PP, helps get the Ducks to the cap floor, gives them a solid vet presence down the middle. And the biggest reason, they HAVE to spend big bucks somewhere.  I could see it. He can help shepherd the young Russian Mintyukov, and maybe Michkov or whatever that kid's name is if they draft him..

    I would think Malkin wants to win, but he won't be getting paid by a team in that position.

    I'd pass. He's just way too old. I'd be cool to get someone his caliber but I think we regret signing him pretty soon after. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I’d agree with this if you are betting the farm that prospect pool will provide enough legit, high end talent. I’m not betting on that right now and the trade market seems like a no-go if the Ducks first round picks or good prospects are on the table. Getting some low-term UFA’s seems like a better route this summer.

    I honestly don't think it is. Or at least not for everyone we need. We need to pick up pieces for now and the future. And through trade like others have mentioned should also be the way to go. We're going to be dumpster diving in the ufa market if we do what you're proposing. There's just too many holes in our lineup. Ok we sign Manson (possibly) if he really wants to come back. He would probably be someone we sign for 3+ years I'd assume because he's probably not going to sign here for less. We bring back D-Lo? Like who would want to sign short term contracts on a bad team? Another D man like Shatty who we'd like to get rid of? Del Zotto? I'm not seeing anyone who'd want to sign with us to basically suck for another year unless we give them lots of $$$ to do so or no one else wants to really sign them. Because if we suck, and there's a good chance that we do, they would also have poor numbers and thus hurt their value for another contract. I'm not saying we can't afford it but we'd kind of be throwing dollars down the toilet because we won't even be able to get assets back in a trade. That's poor management. You might do that with a couple players but not the amount that we'd need. That's why I think you're getting so much resistance with your strategy. We should get 1-2 guys that we could use this year and into the future that would actually be good quality.  You don't start building a team over one off season. I get that you'd like to tank for another high pick and I agree that getting a high pick would be very good just not the same way that you seem to be proposing. We have plenty of people who could fill out bottom 6 roles. Who's going to be our #1 center? Grant? Besides that kings team that we're comparing to would absolutely destroy whatever team lineup the ducks have currently for next year. 

  4. The problem I see with our situation is simple. We NEED to spend money THIS off season. That means if we want to be competitive starting 2023-24 we probably should not sign guys to high prices contracts for multiple years. So we need to convince guys to sign for 1-2 years and beat out other teams pitces by basically needing to suck for another year (while not explicitly telling them). Who exactly are these players? To me it sounds like the Clayton Stoners of this market, overpriced and signed to a few years. I'm sorry but that's a terrible way to move forward. You also need to have our current group of young talented guys be down with this idea. Now ok let's say we sign some overpriced guys as plugs for a year or two, what would that do for guys that we will need to sign in a year or two? Hey you don't deserve this much even though some pylon we signed is getting paid heavily. This doesn't make sense as a strategy. We can't compare our situation to the kings, they're not our comparables because their situation was different and they could stand pat without HAVING to do any moves. 

    Aside from picking up bad contacts from other teams I'm not in favor of the stop gap because it sends the wrong message and quite frankly sounds dumb. No one will want pylons at the trade deadline for assets. We need to pick up decent players that we can actually move forward with in ufa, which means we can't scrape the bottom of the barrel like Bob liked to do to just get by. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    Henrique is not going to be in the top 6 the next time this team is any good.  Lundestrom desperately needs help if he's going to become the 3rd line two-way center we want him to become.  Henrique would be great for that role.  He can play on Lundestrom's LW and take faceoffs for him.  He's still an offensive asset, but he's one of the better defensive forwards this team has as well.  Henrique can absolutely play up in the lineup if we need him to, but if we need him to, that means we're still not any good.  I think supporting Lundestrom could be a great place for Henrique to provide the most value.

    I'd rather maximize his trade value and ship him off at the deadline, either this year or next. Teams will want someone like him for the playoffs especially if he's having a decent year. We retain some salary and I think we can get extra draft picks in next year's draft. Don't forget he has playoff experience going to the ECF with the devils and scoring a very clutch goal. I like Hank, even though he was waived and the team seemed to sour on him he's still performing and playing like a professional. I don't mind him in a bottom six role to help defensively but he's already shown he has defensive value but if he has a good year offensively we can get a haul at the deadline with some retained salary. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, perry_mvp said:

    So I guess we're back to letting assets walk for nothing. He's well worth 1.8M but he also has arbitration rights

    Right. Signing him to 1.8 for a year would have even been better and he'd be a Ufa. Why let a guy walk who had some chemistry with one of your young budding superstars? This just means that we need to sign even more players. Unless PV thinks he'll circle back and sign for less, which I highly doubt. Seeing Steel walk doesn't surprise me though. Still we probably should have traded him as a former 1st round for someone else who might need a change of scenery.

    I'd have to think we'll be active in the ufa market. Where else are we going to find this many players?

  7. 50 minutes ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    I'm not advocating for being as bad as possible.  That would require going backwards, and I don't think that's a good idea.  But I also don't think it makes sense to add anyone for more than two years unless they're still going to be squarely in their prime in that third year.  That means no one who's older than 28, and even that's pushing it.  

    It would be fun to do something creative like sign both Strome brothers, move Ryan Strome to RW on Dylan's line, and play McTavish or Milano on their LW.  You could try to build a third line around Lundestrom and Henrique and see if Lundestrom looks any better with actual wingers.  Plus Rico can take faceoffs on that line.  Then you could re-sign ZAR and have a 4th line of Jones/Carrick/ZAR.  Or you can put Comtois on that line if he doesn't get his mojo back, but I'd love to see him be the gritty, net-front presence on the top line with Zegras feeding pucks to Terry.  If that doesn't work, you can put Jones up there and see if that's a fit.  

    That's probably completely bonkers and incredibly unlikely, but I could see the Ducks being competitive with Zegras/Strome/McTavish down the middle in a couple years.  It would also improve the team for next year, but probably wouldn't put the Ducks in the playoffs yet.  The defense still needs a lot of work and they'll need at least one more scorer in the top six.

    (Yes, I'm deliberately ignoring Grant.)

    I can't see putting Hank on the bottom 6. Top 6 or bust. He's actually been pretty productive after being waived. Once he went down around December we had a noticeable drop in production. Plus him, Getzy and Terry actually were one of the top performing lines in the league before he went down. He's still a big part of this team. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    Sounds more like the Russian team he broke the contract with got piddled and wanted some payback. Maybe his draft registration was "lost" and in comes the feds to arrest him.

    It very likely is because of his contact with the team. Maybe he's also made some comments which angered some people after signing the contract. 

  9. 4 hours ago, tommer-1 said:

    Right, he had a blood clot in his leg this March, not surgery. He is still on IR on CF, I guess that's just from his end-of-the-season status.

    I wonder where he is at health-wise?

    Yeah I'm beginning to think he might be done. I'm not sure what his specifics are and updates on him are few and far between. Hopefully he recovers but I'm not so sure anymore. 

  10. 2 hours ago, tommer-1 said:



    The No. 9 pick of the 2019 NHL Draft said he has heard opponents protest that he's trying to be too flashy but that it's simply water off a duck's back.

    "For sure I have," he said. "It's the same as any other chirping. It doesn't really mean much. And it's definitely not going to discourage me from trying any of that stuff, that's for sure. As long as the coaches and our teammates are good with it, I'll [keep] doing it."

    Zegras is kind of the guy the league needs. He's flashy and has some personality. He isn't afraid to continue to pull amazing moves even though there have been critics. If you guys watched the stand up by Keenan prior to the NHL awards it was kind of a mild reaction from the crowd. They're too business like, which to be honest is a quality I like about the league. It's just kind of too professional I'd say. So with Zegras he kind of brings that edge. PK Subban was kind of that guy a little while back. Ovie seems pretty outgoing. It's just the league is kind of full of the Toews, Crosby and McDavids. Great players but little emotion. I think Getzy was kind of a little bit of both so I hope that will rub off on Z too.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    That's the thing. They need to move a big contract but they all have NMC or M-NTC contracts. Theo has no clause. I'm sure if they were to consider trading him the ask would be way too much. However, just to put pressure on them, I would offer sheet both Howden and Hague for 1.3M each. Maybe then they would feel pressured to at least trade Whitecloud. I agree that they are moving in that Edmonton direction and that just makes me happy.

    So I was looking at Vegas on capfriendly and those guys loved to give out nmc even more than Bob. 

    If I'm doing the math right they're about 2.6 mil over the cap right now. After they put weber on LTIR they will have about 5.2 mil left to sign 4 forwards and a backup. Possibly 5 forwards if they want to keep 13 f on the roster. I think they try to move Stephenson. Honestly they should consider moving Patches. He's got one more year at 7 mil. You're right trading Theo is another option because he has no trade protection. If it's a short term fix trade Stephenson for some cap relief. If they look at the bigger picture I think moving Patches now would be the better option but limits their chances at a cup run in the short term. Being Vegas I think they try to look short term and have a much more painful rebuild later. 

  12. 3 hours ago, perry_mvp said:

    Guy is banged up. Lower body injury. I haven't been able to find any injury info or if he's expected to start next season.


    They literally have no money to put out a 23 man roster. They need to trade someone and it's probably going to be a lot easier to trade a player without a clause. Martinez might agree to a team on his no trade list but I don't think they really want to break up their top 6 forwards unless it's Patches that goes.

    I get that. But I just don't see them getting rid of Theo. Honestly they should though since they owe us one for the major screw up job they pulled at the deadline. But idk who's going to get moved. I would think either a middling F or D. It looks like they're going to be moving to a top heavy team and away from some of their depth, which I think is actually going to lower their chances at the cup. They're trying to become the oilers (in a way) when the oilers are actually trying to become more like Vegas (more depth). I'm not sure that's a great example but that's what I see. In the end they're trending downwards which is good for us since we should be trending upwards. 

  13. 1 hour ago, perry_mvp said:

    Maybe Theodore. Why not? They are 2M over the cap and probably need to shed his salary to at least sign their RFA's. If not Theo, maybe Whitecloud. He's probably better than Bear. Offer Sheet Howden who was Tampa pick when PV was there. I want to see Vegas squirm like the rats they are...LOL

    No way they give up Theo. Might as well dream of getting McDavid. Lol

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, Aksun said:

    This is actually a thing I like about the current Ducks - the org was working very hard at making the city and area a desirable place to come and play hockey, be a destination, come and leave a legacy here as opposed to being a purgatory like Arizona or Buffalol or a slave pen like Vegas. A lot was done to establish Ducks' team continuity, some retirement ceremonies, nice long player-friendly contracts, trades for friends, etc etc, I wonder how it's going to change under the new GMPV regime, but maybe at least some of the slowness in Bob's process was directly forced by the ownership and management trying to set a tone for team of being a friendly place to be and out in the sun to boot.

    We definitely need more structure and clear direction than old man Bob's bargain bin binge runs, but I really want to hold on to Getlzaf's culture of no-embellishment, plastic foot-guards for all mandatory and visors for safety, friendly and active in the community approach that the Ducks managed to develop since 05-06.

    It's one of the reasons I'll miss Getzy. He just brought that old school tough mentality to the team but was also just a very good guy. Hopefully we don't move away from that culture as I think you're exactly right since 05-06, the Scotty Era, we've built something special. I mean guys come into the locker rooms in the foot steps of some really great athletes. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Aksun said:

    At least they went to the Cup Finals :ph34r:

    I wonder if he's kicking himself right now. I mean he could have been on a better up and coming team and on the beach but instead he'll be in Siberia during the winter. Lol

    I mean if he's about the money does anyone know what his $ in taxes would be? As I'm not really sure. 

    But in the flip side I feel like Vegas once again treated their players like garbage. The trade was nixed and I know he only had certain teams on his NTC so they were well within their right to trade him but he came back and was a very good player for them down the stretch and almost helped get them into the playoffs. Now he's shipped to an even worse rebuilding team. Vegas I feel like is not going to be a very good Ufa destination soon unless players consider they can live with the cold hard calculated moves they might make. I get them trying to win and all but it just seems like they're losing the people aspect of the game. These aren't robots and can't just be treated like a game, eventually this is going to come back and bite them. 

  16. Well let's not forget they can only go over the cap by 10% I believe and they still have to be cap complient by the beginning of the season. They can only put him on LTIR on the first day of the season.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 hours ago, ike8228 said:

    Oilers Koskinen is headed to Switzerland and Mike Smith is 40 and unsigned thus far. I know we have talked about oilers here and there, but with Koskinen leaving, that makes them that much more interesting again. They need someone bad now.

    I thought Smith had one year left on his contract. 

  18. 15 hours ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    The correction from underrated to overrated is going to be sudden and severe. Palat is good, but he's not going to carry a line, especially as he gets into his 30s. Some team is going to give him 5 years and 7.5 per year and be disappointed by year 2. He's precisely the type of guy the Ducks need to avoid. 

    If someone does in fact pay him they'd need to have him surrounded by other great players. I think this is also the issue with Laine. He's a great scorer but needs to be put in the right situation. 

  19. 2 hours ago, dtsdlaw said:

    They’re about to go scorched earth rebuild and moving Toews (and also Kaner and Debrinkat) gets them closer to Bedard or Michkov. He also wouldn’t come for free. You’d have to send some assets back, but I think Verbeek might be looking to re-shape our prospect pipeline anyway with guys that better suit the type of game he wants to play. Or there might just be other prospects he’s ok moving on from. For example, I think a decent price would be Colorado’s 2nd (2023) + Steel + the rights to Jackson LaCombe and Gage Alexander. That’s probably more than the Hawks could get for him at the TDL, and moving him early gets them better draft odds.

    I think we'd be getting something in return if they want to move Toews. He's overpaid at this point by quite a bit. Much like Perry was for the production he brought before being bought out. So for this reason I don't think the Hawks would move him. 

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