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Posts posted by g20topdogg

  1. 21 minutes ago, tommer-1 said:

    How would Verbeek "blow the cap" exactly?  Have you looked at the Ducks' cap situation?  Have you looked at the expiring contracts/buyouts this season and next?

    It would be next to impossible for him to "blow the cap", and much more to the point, NOBODY is saying that's what should happen (ie. signing Klingberg to a 4-year, $6MM or getting back a draft pick for Girard {$5 MM for 5 more years} if COL wants to bring back Kadri would not be "blowing the cap".  It would get them barely above the floor.  Hell, they could sign that deal and spend another $6 MM on another player or two, LTIR Silf, and be just $2 MM or so over the floor). Gibson is signed for the next 4 seasons, Fowler is signed for the next 4 seasons, Strome is signed for the next 5.  No bad contracts.

    They will have $43.6 MM in space next offseason, Henrique (last year @ $5.825 MM), Silfverberg (last year @ $5.25 MM), Strome, McTavish, Vatrano, Lundestrom, Jones, Carrick, Perreault, Tracey, Groulx, Mintyukov, Helleson, Zellweger, Fowler, Vaakanainen, White, Gibson, Clang under contract, Zegras, Comtois, Terry, Drysdale, Benoit, Mahura, Dostal, OEE as RFAs, Stolie the Goalie as a UFA.


    If they were worried about draft position for this coming draft, they could have traded Fowler and Gibson for bad contracts/little return and not signed Vatrano or Strome.

    I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle here. While I wouldn't be upset we pick up someone like Klingberg I don't think it's the right move. I wouldn't mind picking up bad contacts from other teams, I hope that we do actually. But from my point of view we're relying too much on another team to trade their bad contract to us. Besides most of the teams that have wanted to trade them out have probably already done so which is why I'm opposed to the waiting game. Everyone said Columbus needed to trade someone out for cap, boom someone else does the trade. Now some are saying Edmonton... idk it just doesn't seem as likely anymore. Arizona is jumping at the bad contracts harder than us it seems. Look how many they have picked up over the years. That's why it makes sense to go get guys on short term contracts, even overpaid guys, to then later on eat half the cap at the deadline and get back assets. Any team willing to do that has a huge advantage because it's like buying picks. And we're not one of those teams it seems. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Jasoaks said:

    PV seems extremely focused on big picture right now and letting the chips fall where they fall for this coming season.

    He'll get to the cap floor, i'm sure, and he'll focus on that at some point before october. But that just seems to be what he wants right now. Create the foundation he wants long term -- who cares about this season.

    I have no issue with that -- UNLESS it hurts the development of any of our NHL ready youngins 'cause they have another bad season with a mediocre coach. I'm hopeful the almost/not NHL ready youngins will be fine with all those changes he's made in that department.

    Also I hope his plan doesn't actively rely on a top-5 pick in 2023...while that would be great, there's no way to guarantee that.

    EDIT (i also do care just in the form of I'd like us to be competitive sooner lol but not at the cost of a solid long term foundation)

    I don't care for the wins this season or to make the playoffs. We're going to have another developmental season for sure. I think what's being missed is the opportunities we could have done. Spend say 500k extra on Domi to have him come here (just an example). Yeah we overpay for a year to beat out other teams but we could trade those guys at the deadline for picks. That's all I want to see is us actively getting guys that make sense for a year or two with the intention of flipping them later. I think we made our big moves in acquiring players for the future so I'm not upset at that. It just feels like we could've done more already to benefit ourselves for the future and yet it's another BM off season in my eyes (for the reasons stated).

  3. 25 minutes ago, BombaysTripleDeke said:

    I don’t think the point is building only through the draft but that if you don’t draft a requisite amount of talent then you’re likely not going anywhere near a cup. The Ducks haven’t yet had the time to see if they’ve done that or go through a long enough period of player development. Waiting another year let’s Verbeek see more of these players do that. Outside of Zegras and Terry (who is 24) the rest of the prospect pool is a huge question mark on what they’ll bring or won’t bring to the Ducks.

    Imagine if Murray had come to the realization 2-3 years ago when the Ducks were clearly on the decline, what the returns on those players would have been.  Imo, he left a lot of value on the table and delayed the rebuild process. I give him credit for heading up some pretty good drafts but he left Verbeek the situation of having to actually go through the hard part of the rebuild that he wasn’t to do when it was most beneficial.

    That’s the hope: that we’ve assembled the crew of the next great Ducks team but there’s no way of knowing that other than them getting the chance to prove it in the NHL. Not everyone will pan out (Tracey’s stock is already sliding imo).

    I agree that the Ducks won’t’ finish in the top-3 because two teams are actively tanking (Chicago, AZ). I don’t trust Philly to be competent under Fletcher and see Seattle struggling with their defense and goaltending. Right now, this Ducks team is worse than last years and not likely to be better because they won’t be able replace Lindholm/Manson this year. I wouldn’t have minded getting some of the players that you mentioned but it’s not crucial do do that this offseason. I’m also not sure what kind of budget restraints Verbeek is under from ownership this year. I’ll be far more concerned if the Ducks miss on these opportunities when they are farther along in the rebuild.


    Well we can be certain it isn't to be below the cap floor that's for sure. 

    I feel like it's an excuse that he's a new gm and we can do this next year and all that but let's be realistic here, if it was BM doing all this we'd be getting the pitchforks out. Bob sat back last year and got a lot of flack for it, now we have a new gm and it seems like it's just Bob again. It's been noted many times that we've missed opportunities to improve for the future. Teams went out and got guys to one year contracts on the first day of FA while we didn't do that. That's the problem. We're not doing anything to better our situation and while sitting back and just letting things roll as they go is great and all but a somewhat worse strategy in general. Stop twiddling our fingers, get out of bed, and start making moves before all the good ones are gone that's what I'm saying. We have cap space and we've done nothing with it. Again, I'm still reserving complete judgement until the season starts but we can still be critical of the moves made/ not made. 

    • Like 3
  4. 47 minutes ago, perry_mvp said:

    DeBrincat was available. Fiala was available. Dylan Strome was available... If your plan is to build the foundation only through the draft then sorry, you're going to be waiting a long time. Fiala might have been a rash move but I don't see DeBrincat as being one. And before I hear the argument of "well he might not even re-sign here", Ottawa seemed confident enough he would re-sign or they are going to flip him at the TDL.

    Verbeek had a ton of cap space just to get to the floor. Didn't take on any bad contracts. No trades. Picks up a couple of NHL'ers in FA and is now rounding out the roster with AHL guys. The team was mediocre before Verbeek came in and now it's lower than mediocre. But I'm not season ticket holder, season seat holder so from that standpoint I'm not spending money. Also, I keep on hearing he'll make his moves next year. Why next year? What's going to be the difference next year?


    Supposedly we're going to draft another superstar in the next draft but I don't buy it. I'd rather have multiple cracks at drafting players than just draft one in the top 10. It's like possibly picking up free draft picks through ufa from the next deadline. I don't care if we pick up an extra 3rd it's still better than getting nothing. We're quite possibly setting the rebuild back by not making moves like that. That's what smart gms with a boatload of cap space do.

  5. 45 minutes ago, dtsdlaw said:

    I've been as hard on Bob Murray's asset management and talent evaluation as anyone on this board, but I'm struggling with this narrative that Bob Murray has supposedly left Verbeek in a tough spot with a shaky foundation. Outside of Julien Brisebois taking over for Yzerman in Tampa, is there an example of a regime change where the new GM walked into a better situation than what Verbeek has walked into in Anaheim? The Ducks had $40M in cap space on the first day of UFA and Murray hadn't traded away a single draft pick in the first five rounds of any future draft. There are no albatross contracts that prevent roster improvement or block young players. And Verbeek inherited three highly-coveted pending UFAs in Lindholm, Rakell, and Manson that he could trade for assets or players at the last deadline. Oh, and Murray had already drafted most of the team's future core in Zegras, Drysdale, McTavish, Zellweger, etc.

    I understand if Verbeek needs time to do proper player evaluations of the Ducks entire system to get a feel of where he needs to make improvements, but thus far the failure to spend money to improve the current roster baffles me. I know there's still plenty of time before opening day, but if you'd told me a month ago that we'd be past the entry draft and 13 days into the UFA period and Verbeek had still made zero offseason trades for roster players, acquired zero assets in the offseason, made zero signings of players on 1-year contracts that he can flip at the next TDL, and that the Ducks would still be more than $3M below the cap floor (with a total team salary that is dead last in the entire league), I'd have wondered what you were smoking. Yet here we are. 

    This to me has been the problem. We're not using our cap space to our benefit. We've lost out on cap dumps to other teams. Ok we suck and get a high pick this year. Maybe we trade Shatty for some idk 3rd or 4th round pick at the deadline. Maybe we're able to trade Rico out next year. Besides that what are our plans? We have no one else in our system to flip to high picks. I think it would be smarter to pick up a few guys who you could trade at the deadline for additional picks, sure at the cost of a lower draft pick maybe but that's still a good trade off in my opinion. Let's say we draft 10th again but picking up a couple guys we draft 14th (as an example) but we also flip for an additional 1st, 2nd etc. that's like trading down in the draft but we get to do it for free because you don't spend assets for players in ufa. We get short term help, the kids don't have a terrible team and actually grow and we still get our assets. That's win win in my mind. I don't understand this whole patience thing to just stand pat. We either use the cap space that we currently have to our benefit or we sit on our hands for another year. I'm still reserving judgement on PV, there may be deals to work out but so far we haven't don't much that Bob wouldn't have done anyway since he didn't do anything last off season. So far it's just more of the same that's my issue. I'm fine with the guys we picked up but come on there has to be more done. Ari freaking Zona has done more this off season towards their future than the ducks and they plan to play in a university stadium for the next three years...

    • Like 3
  6. I also don't think his number will be retired, at least not at this point. Unless he has a really great back end of his career for the ducks I don't think it will happen. If he were to play for 1500+ games or something of that caliber then I think he'd go up. If he's not traded by the way, he could be the second ducks player to play over 1000 games behind Getzy. Which is possible because of the style that he plays. 

    Someone mentioned Perry, I think he goes up. He's the only ducks player to win the rocket while with the ducks. He's got a lot of hardware too which should help get him into the hall of fame. 

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  7. 6 minutes ago, gilligoos said:

    After signing Lundestrom, Verbeek likely needs $8m to get to the cap floor, potentially $13m if Silf is in LTIR? Verbeek missed out on taking advantage of Columbus shedding salary, was ready to wake up on Thursday to get Niederreiter to Anaheim, and now Tkachuk has been traded with both parties covering their cap. Where is Verbeek going to find 8-13m in salary? 

    We don't actually need to cover for Silfs cap hit if he goes on LTIR. Too bad Keslers contract has ended, that would have helped us get to the cap floor for sure. 

  8. 10 hours ago, Jasoaks said:

    i hope he does that and i agree, it would have him gain some trade value

    I don't think he has our worst contract though... arguably Rico probably takes that (i mean we did actually put him on waivers and no one took him lol) but he was better last season...I dunno, we'll see

    I think currently Silf has the worst contract on the team. Rico actually produces when he's been healthy. I still don't think Gibsons contract is that bad. There's been plenty of reasons why he hasn't played very well and the biggest of those is the team in front of him. He's probably number one in the league in terms of most breakaways against. I think once we get a real head coach the team can take off. Eakins is just maddening to watch with his odd decisions and line combos. I still can't believe we gotta watch another year of that. Luckily for us PV has gotten rid of some of his favorite players. Now we only get to watch Grant shutdown McDavid....

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Jasoaks said:

    I just...I just can't with PV's comments.....

    "Both of these players are human men who play/played in the NHL. We wanted them so we tried to get them and now we have signed them. End of transmission statement. Must refuel with Monster Energy Drink."

    What he really said that?

  10. 1 hour ago, Gorbachav55 said:

    This is just speculation, but I can think of three reasons right off the top of my head:

    1. Pacioretty had a 10-team NTC.  It would not surprise me at all if the Ducks were on it.  He doesn't want to go play for a non-playoff team.
    2. If Vegas was going to give him away, would they rather give him away to a division opponent or to an Eastern Conference team?  Of course the Ducks aren't much of a threat in the division and there's always the chance Carolina could face them in the Cup final.  But on balance, I'd rather get him out of the conference and not have to play any meaningful games against him.
    3. The Ducks would undoubtedly be moving Pacioretty at the deadline.  At that point, they might trade him somewhere he'll do real damage against Vegas in the playoffs.  Carolina will be hanging onto him so that risk is minimal.

    Yeah I figure we probably were on that list. I just hope PV did his due diligence though. However, Patches would of had more playoff options at the deadline I think. But Carolina is pretty stacked right now. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Fisix said:

    Aww. I thought my after the draft thread was the place for this. Oh well. This thread is named better. 

    Oops I just realized that's what you meant by that thread. Sorry to just come in and steal the thunder lol.

    Although everyone still posts in the ducks rumors one. Oh well. 🤣

  12. So wait why didn't we try to get Patches? We could have gotten him for free AND he's in the final year of his contract with 5.25 mil in actual salary? He'd be the perfect target to trade at the deadline. I understand they may not have wanted to trade him within the division but seriously? If PV didn't try to get him over here this is a huge fail.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, Jasoaks said:

    4x4 for Gudbranson in CBL.....oh geeeeeeez..........

    Yeah that's the problem. We couldn't sign players like him to short term contracts for a year or two. Things might change but I'm not holding my breath for too long.... we're going dumpster diving! 

  14. So far I'm scratching my head. I don't expect big names to be signed or anything too crazy but we're still below the cap floor. Unless we extend Lundestrom for like 12 mil a season for a year what's the plan besides trade? And if we trade then are we going to be picking up bad contacts? Or some bigger names? Because again we still need to reach the floor. And if it's bad contracts, why haven't we done that already to give teams cap room for FA?

  15. So with the Tampa extensions are we possibly in a position to poach a decent player? Stamkos has two years left on his current contract. They either trade him after this season or he might sign a cheaper more team friendly contract to stay.

    I think the signings they did are fine. They're young guys so they might still round out their game. On one hand they're being proactive and signing guys early which is a risk of course but those contracts might end up being steals too. 

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